
Unit1 Festivals around the world 课件(28张+学案,共2份打包)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:13次 大小:9012730Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALs AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals of all kinds have many_____: some _____, some _____, some for special _____. origins religious seasonal The passage lists _____ kinds of modern festivals namely: (即) four Festivals of the Dead Festivals to Honor People Harvest Festivals Spring Festivals Skimming(略读,浏览) Para 1 and sub-heading (副标题) people or events Kinds of Festivals Names of Festivals Countries Festivals of the Dead Festivals to Honour People Harvest Festivals Spring Festivals Fill in the following chart. scanning Reading Comprehension Festivals Names of Festivals Countries Festivals of the Dead Festivals to Honor People Obon Day of the Dead Halloween (Japan) (Mexico) some Western countries (Dragon Boat Festival) Columbus Day festival to honor (Gandhi) China (the USA) India Harvest Festivals Spring Festivals harvest/ (Thanksgiving) festivals European and other countries (mid-autumn festivals) China and Japan Spring Festival (China) (Easter) Some Western countries (Cherry Blossom Festival) Japan Festivals and celebrations Festivals of the Dead Festivals to Honor people Harvest Festivals Spring Festivas Obon (Japan) the Day of the Dead(Mexico) Halloween(western countries) the Dragon Boat Festival(China) Columbus Day(the USA) festival to honor Gandhi(India) harvest /Thanksgiving festivals ( European and other countries) mid-autumn festivals (China and Japan) the Spring Festival in China Easter and related festivals Cherry Blossom Festival(Japan) What and when did ancient people celebrate Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of_____, _____and _____. Sometimes celebrations would be held_____. cold weather planting in spring harvest in autumn after hunters had caught animals Careful reading(精读): Festivals of the Dead What are festivals of the dead usually held for Festivals of the dead are usually held to _____ the dead or _____the ancestors. 2. What do people do at each festival Obon Day of the Dead Halloween honour satisfy Obon(盂兰盆节) in Japan People should go to clean the graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to the earth. Obon 盂兰盆节 People eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. The Day of the Dead In Mexico the festival of Halloween in some western countries dress up, ask for sweets, play a trick on play the “trick or treat “ 1. Is there a holiday in China to honor the dead Tomb Sweeping Day ( Qingming Festival) Para 3 Festivals to Honour People Match the festivals with the proper people. Columbus Day National Festival to honor Gandhi The Dragon Boat Festival China India USA Dragon Boat Festival Harvest festivals are always happy events because people are _____ (=thankful) that food is gathered for the winter and _____(农活) is over . 2. How do people celebrate the festivals gratef ... ...

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