
Unit 9 Can you come to my party 基础练特快专递(含答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:18724Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 Can you come to my party 2021-2022学年英语人教版八年级上册 基础练特快专递 一、单选题 1.Harry invited me _____ with him when his parents were out of town. A. stay B.stayed C. staying D. to stay 2.I didn't see you _____ in. You must have been very quiet. A. comes B.to come C. come D. have come 3.We should take care of the earth _____ we can make a better world to live in. A. so that B. until C. even if D. while 4.—Lucy, you can't use the phone _____ we are far from the gas (天然气)station. —OK, I won't do that again. A. after B. when C. though D. until 5.—What do you think of your school. Linda —It's a good place for us to _____ourselves for the future. A.promise B.prove C.prepare D.present 6.Anna is preparing for the coming exam, so she has to _____ the invitation to the party. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off D. turn up 7.Write to me soon. I'm looking forward to _____. A. hear from you B. hear from your letter C. hearing from you D. hearing from your letter 8.—There is an art show in the museum. —Let's go there _____. A. last weekend B. the day after tomorrow C. two weeks ago D. the day before yesterday 9.—Can you go to the park with us this Sunday —_____. I haven't been outdoors these days. I can't wait. A. Sorry, I can't B. Sure, I'd love to C. Certainly not D. You're welcome 10.—Could we meet at 9 a. m. tomorrow —Sorry, let's make it _____ time. A. another B. others C. other D. the other 二、翻译题 11.街道尽头有一家书店。我经常去那里买书。 There is a bookstore _____ _____ _____ _____ the street. I often buy books there. 12.如果你接到查理的电 话,请和我联系。 Please get in touch with me if you _____ _____ Charlie. 13.这对新婚夫妇决定去夏威夷旅行。 The new couple decided to _____ _____ _____ to Hawaii. 14.我很高兴与你分享我的想法。 I _____ _____ _____ share my ideas with you. 15.孩子们总是盼望着春节。 Children always _____ _____ _____ the Spring Festival. 三、用方框中所给单词的适当形式补全短文(每词限用一次) bring, leave, surprise, glue, sad, goodbye, if, miss, prepare, help Dear Linda, Our English teacher Mrs. Green is ①_____ soon to go to America. To show how much we're going to ②_____ her, we will have a surprise party for her at the end of the month. We are ③_____ to part from her, and this party is the best way to say "Thank you and ④_____." I will think of games to play. Mary will ⑤_____ out with any of the party ⑥_____, like buying food, drinks, pencils and ⑦_____. Can you come to the party Then you will ⑧_____ Mrs. Green to the party without telling her so that she can be ⑨_____. Please let me know by Wednesday ⑩_____ you will come to the party. I hope you can make it. Yours, Tina 答案以及解析 一、 1.答案:D 解析:invite sb. to do sth.意为"邀请某人做某事",为固定搭配。 2.答案:C 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:我没有看见你进来,你一定是悄悄地进来的。 see sb. do sth.意为"看见某人做某事"。故选C。 3.答案:A 解析:考查连词的用法。句意:我们应该爱护地球,以便我们创造一个更美好的世界去生活。 so that以便,引导目的状语从 ... ...

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