

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:85次 大小:764007Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    广西崇左市英语2020年小学学业水平考试 一、根据英语字母表的顺序,用手写体写出所给字母相邻的大写或小写字母。 1.(2019·崇左) 根据英语字母表的顺序,用手写体写出所给字母相邻的大写或小写字母。 (1)    (2)    (3)    (4)    (5)    二、根据中文提示,选择合适的字母补全单词。 2.(2019·崇左)窗户 w____ ndow A.i B.a C.o 3.(2019·崇左)肮脏的 d ___ ___ ty A.ar B.er C.ir 4.(2019·崇左)饥饿的 h___ ___gry A.en B.un C.an 5.(2019·崇左)天气 w___ ___ther A.ea B.ee C.er 6.(2019·崇左)糖果 c___ ___dy A.an B.en C.am 三、找出每组中不同类的词语。 7.(2019·崇左)选出不同类的单词。 (1) A.chicken B.bear C.dress (2) A.map B.year C.week (3) A.thirty B.thirsty C.sixty (4) A.busy B.story C.easy (5) A.heavy B.station C.cinema 四、单项选择。选择最佳答案。 8.(2019·崇左)There _____ three pigs in the photo. A.am B.are C.is 9.(2019·崇左)He was short then. But he is _____ now. A.small B.cute C.tall 10.(2019·崇左)This is Ms. Wang, and this is _____ son, Li Dong. A.her B.his C.she 11.(2019·崇左)Time_____ bed, children. A.to B.of C.for 12.(2019·崇左)Shanghai is very big _____ very famous. A.but B.and C.so 13.(2019·崇左)My mother often _____ TV in the evening. A.watch B.watches C.watched 14.(2019·崇左)I _____noodles yesterday. A.cooked B.cook C.cooks 15.(2019·崇左)Don't shout, please! The children_____. A.sleeping B.is sleeping C.are sleeping 16.(2019·崇左)I don't like tea, so I _____ drink tea. A.never B.always C.sometimes 17.(2019·崇左)—_____ is it — It's three o'clock now. A.What B.What time C.How much 五、根据句意,从方框中选择正确的单词或短语填入句中空格处,使句意完整。 18.(2019·崇左) 根据句意,从方框中选择正确的单词或短语填入句中空格处,使句意完整。 lunch clever turn on can't spring (1)Please    the light. (2)What did she have for     (3)It's warm in   . (4)Sam is a     pupil. (5)He    see. 六、匹配题。 19.(2019·崇左) 从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏各句相对应的答语。 Ⅰ Ⅱ ⑴What did you do at the weekend     A. Oh, sorry. ⑵How did you get there     B. I want a hot dog. ⑶Please stand in line!     C. It's on your left. ⑷Where is the toilet     D. We had a picnic. ⑸Can I help you     E. By train. 七、补全对话。 20.(2019·崇左) 从方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。 A. On the school bus. B. Thank you. C. My new hat is in it. D. I lost my bag. E. It's yellow. A: You are sad, Sue. What's the matter with you B:     A: Where did you lose it B:    . A: What color is it B:     A: What's in it B:     A: Don't worry. I found a bag on the school bus. B: That's my bag!     八、连词成句。(注意首字母及标点符号) 21.(2019·崇左) I / like / my / riding /don't / bike /. (我不喜欢骑自行车。) 22.(2019·崇左) in / was / he / kitchen / the /. (他在厨房里。) 23.(2019·崇左) jump / you / can / high / (你能跳得高吗?) 24.(2019·崇左) it/ for / big / too/ is / you/ . (它对于你来说太大了。) 25.(2019·崇左) ... ...

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