
【原创优质课件】Unit 3 What would you like PB Let's learn (公开课)课件+教案+动画素材 (共31张PPT 含flash素材)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:74次 大小:96335590Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) A a Unit 3 What would you like PB Let's learn 人教PEP 五年级上册 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 Let’s sing ice cream hamburger salad tea sandwich salad sandwich ice cream hamburger tea Game time Role play 崔老师优质课件 What would you like to eat/drink I’d like ... Do you like ice cream Lead in Why ice cream Because it’s sweet Presentation 崔老师优质课件 sweet 含糖的甜的 /swi t/ I love ice cream. It’s _____. sweet 崔老师优质课件 Lead in Presentation Ice cream. It's sweet. What‘s your favourite food What‘s your favourite food 这是询问对方最喜欢的食物的重要句式, 回答句型一般是:直接说出食物或My favourite food is ..., sweet favourite / fe v r t/ 特别喜爱的 Presentation 崔老师优质课件 healthy 健康的 / helθi/ I love vegetables. They’re _____. healthy 崔老师优质课件 Lead in Presentation Salad. It's healthy. What‘s your favourite food healthy Presentation 崔老师优质课件 fresh 新鲜的 /fre / My favourite food is tomatoes. They’re _____and healthy. fresh Presentation 崔老师优质课件 delicious 美味的 可口的 /d l s/ My favourite food is salad. It’s fresh, delicious and healthy. 崔老师优质课件 Lead in Presentation Hamburgers. They’re delicious. What‘s your favourite food delicious Presentation 崔老师优质课件 hot 辣的 辛辣的 /h t/ I don’t like peppers. They’re _____. hot 根据指令说出单词并拼读出来哦! Game time sweet hot delicious hot fresh healthy healthy delicious sweet fresh Watch out for the tiger! 小心老虎哦! 当你看到一个单词或短语, 请大声读出来, 当你看到一只老虎, 赶紧抱头并说“No” Game time Listen and number ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) 5 Presentation Group work 四人一组, 角色扮演,轮流练习对话! _____, It's _____. What's your _____ food Ice cream sweet favourite 崔老师优质课件 Practice They're _____. sweet It's very _____. delicious They're ____. hot They're _____. fresh pepper vegetable chicken ice cream cake, candies I love ice cream. It's sweet. What about you Lead in Practice 崔老师优质课件 I don’t like peppers. They’re hot. What about you Choose and say. Lead in Practice 崔老师优质课件 两人一组,互相 询问最喜欢的食物 What’s your favourite food ...It’s/They’re ... Game time Draw and play 1. 每人画出一个自己最喜欢的食物图片。 2. 老师收集图片并打乱放在一起, 3. 每次抽出一张并展示给所有人看, 画该图片的主人看到后站起来,全班一起问他What’s your favourite food 该同学则根据自己的画回答并说明理由。 崔老师优质课件 Practice 根据图片补全单词 h__ de_____ ot sw___t h_____ licious ee ealthy fr____ esh Practice ( ) 1. A. sandwich B. sweet C. hot ( ) 2. A. favourite B. salad C. hamburger ( ) 3. A. healthy B. delicious C. vegetable ( ) 4.A. sweet B. healthy C. ice cream ( ) 5. A. water B. fresh C. tea 选出不同类的一项 A A C C B Practice (  ) 1. -What's your favourite food A.Chicken. B. Tea. C. Orange juice (  )2. - I like chicken. _____ delicious. A. It B.It’s C. They’re (  ) 3.My favourite food _____ tomatoes. A./ B. is C. are 选择正确的单词 A B B 崔老师优质 ... ...

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