
2021-2022学年上外版(2020)必修二:Unit 4 Sports 单元知识点讲解 (素材)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:78次 大小:422912Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Sports 【词汇和短语】 barely / b l / adv. 仅仅; 几乎不 hustle / h s l/ vt. 猛拉; 猛推 shoot / u t/ v. 射击; 猛冲; 拍摄 n. 新芽 severe /s v / adj. 严重的 critic / kr t k/ n. 评论家; 批评者 challenging / t l nd / . adj. 有挑战性的 ultimate / lt m t/ adj. 最终的 tough /t f/ adj. 坚强的;艰苦的;粗暴的 competitor /k m p t t / n. 竞争对手; 参赛者 hoop /hu p/ n. 环;. (篮球) 篮圈 bend /b nd/ v. 弯曲, 弯下; 低下 (头) net /n t/ n. 网 vt. 净赚 goal /ɡ l/ n. 球门; 进球; 目标 relief /r li f/ n. 宽慰; 安心 ; (痛苦、悲痛的) 解除; 救济金; 救济物资 relieve /r li v/ vt. 缓解; 减轻; 解除 scream /skri m/ v. (人因痛苦或恐惧而) 尖叫 crack /kr k/ v. . 使…破裂; 破裂; 破解 (难题、密码) roll /r l/ v. 滚动; (车辆) 缓行; (机器) 运转 n. 卷; 绕 (成柱形或团); 面包卷 breath /br θ/ n. 呼气 calm /kɑ m/ adj. 冷静的; 平静的 v. 使冷静; 使镇静 roar /r / v. (常指车辆) 轰鸣疾驰 ; 咆哮; 吼道 spot /sp t/ . n. 斑点; 地点 v. 发现 incredible / n kr d b l/ adj. 极好的 [表赞许] ; 难以置信的 bounce /ba ns/ v. 使…弹起; 弹起 crowd /kra d/ n. 人群 v. 聚集, 挤满; 挤进 【核心词组】 1. hang out 晾出; 闲逛 2. leave…off… 漏掉,不列入 3. work on 影响,对…起作用;继续工作;从事于…; 4. kick off (足球或橄榄球比赛的) 开球; 开始 (事件、比赛等); 踢掉 (鞋子) 5. break through 冲破 (障碍); . (克服困难和障碍而) 获得成功 6. turn over 翻转; . 翻身; 仔细考虑; 移交 7. step up 走上前去 8. calm down 使冷静下来; 冷静下来 【词汇重点】 A 1. barely / b l / 1). adv. You use barely to say that something is only just true or only just the case. 仅仅; 几乎不 例:Anastasia could barely remember the ride to the hospital. 阿纳斯塔西娅只勉强记得被送到了医院。 例:It was 90 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room. 气温是90度,空调几乎没有使房间凉快下来。 . adv. If you say that one thing had barely happened when something else happened, you mean that the first event was followed immediately by the second. 刚刚 例:The water had barely come to a simmer when she cracked four eggs into it. 水刚开她就打了4个鸡蛋进去。 2. hustle / h s l/ 1). vt. If you hustle someone, you try to make them go somewhere or do something quickly, for example by pulling or pushing them along. 猛拉; 猛推 例:The guards hustled Harry out of the car. 卫兵们把哈里从车子里拉了出来。 2). v. If you hustle, you go somewhere or do something as quickly as you can. 快速行进; 赶快做 例:You'll have to hustle if you're to get home for supper. 你想回家吃晚饭的话,得赶紧走了。 3). v. If someone hustles, they try hard to earn money or to gain an advantage from a situation. 奋力争取 例:I like it here. It forces you to hustle and you can earn money. 我喜欢在这里生活。这个想法迫使你拼命干活,这样可以挣到钱。 例:Hustling for social contacts isn't something that just happens. You have to make it happen. 社会关系不是说建立就建立起来的,你得想尽一切办法去争取。 4). vt. If someone hustles you, or if they hustle something, they try hard to get something, often by using dishonest or illegal means. 诈取 (通常用不正当或非法的手段) [美国英语] 例:Two te ... ...

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