

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:90次 大小:52435Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本卷考试时间100分钟 总分100分 第一卷 选择题(满分55分) 一、听力(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(略) 二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. Why _____ come and play with us when you were at home alone yesterday don’t you B. not you C. didn’t you D. won’t you Can you do the work better with _____ time and _____ people less; few B. few; little C. less; fewer D. fewer; less Betty writes _____ than _____ student in her class. more carefully; any B. more carefully; any other C. more careful; any other D. more careful; the other 19. --How many women doctors are there in your hospital, David --_____ them _____ 123. The number of; is B. A number of; is C. The number of; are D. A number of; are 20. --Can I _____ Robinson Crusoe, Ms. Zhao --Sure. It’s very interesting, but you can only _____ if for two weeks. borrow; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrow; keep D. lend; keep --Who sings _____ in your class -- Li Jing does. most beautifully B. most beautiful C. more beautifully D. more beautiful Which of the following words can be used as an adjective quietly B. carefully C. happily D. weekly --It’s nearly lunchtime. How about having some noodles and dumplings -- _____. You’re welcome B. That’s all right C. That’s nice of you D. That sounds good --How hard you are working, Helen! --We must! _____ we are, _____we will be. The more hard-working; the luckier B. The hard-wording; the lucky C. More hard-wording; luckier D. The most hard-working; the luckiest --Look at the students in Grade7, they look _____ cooler in military uniform(军服). --I agree with you, they look smart. very B. much C. more D. really --_____ your Geography teacher _____ --She is friendly and helpful. How is; like B. What is; like C. How does; like D. What does; like This bag is not expensive. And the price of it is the _____ of the three. lowest B.biggest C. highest D. smallest As a student, we should do something useful to the society when we _____. grow B. grow up C. will grow up D. will grow My best friend is Daniel. He always tells funny things to me and always _____ makes me to laugh B. make me laughing C. makes me laugh D. make me laugh Wu Fei from Class 18 is very interesting, he is tall and strong. When he walks _____ the desk. He always knocks the books and pens _____ the floor. past; onto B. pass; onto C. past; off D. pass; onto 三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When we think of friends, we usually think of those who have been in our life for a long time. ___31___, there is another type of friend --one that has not been with us for a long period of time, but ___32___ our mind at some moment. The first such friend I remember is the little girl with red curly hair. She was in the bed next to ___33___ when I received an operation(手术)on my nose. She was about two years older, ___34___ and more active(主动的). ... ...

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