
新目标9年级Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.同步听力训练(含听力音频mp3,听力材料及答案,听力试题PPT)

日期:2024-06-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:98次 大小:28769845Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧 新目标9年级Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.同步听力训练 听力材料及答案 一、 l. W: Congratulations, John! M: Thanks. This is really my big day. 2. W: Jack, I'm scared. This is too high. M: Don't look down. Just close your eyes and enjoy the fresh air. 3. W: Dad, my mouth is watering. Can we start now M: One minute please, dear. 4. W: Yesterday was my grandma Bessie's 80th birthday. M: Really Best wishes for her! 5. W: Hey, your shoes are cool! Is that Nike M: Yes. Just do it. Look at this. It always makes me feel that I'm right. 二、 1. W: Why do you like thrillers so much, Ted M: Because they always make me excited. 2. W: Are you worried about the test next week, Sam M: Not really. In fact, to me, the earlier, the better. 3. W: Simon, will you buy a product just because its ad is very well made M: Why not At least it means when they do something, they try to do it well. 4. W: Where would you like to go for the coming vacation, Rick M: To my uncle's home. Living on the farm always makes me feel at home. 5. W: Why don't you buy this noodle, Mike White Elephant is a famous brand in China. M: Sorry, it means something useless in America. 三、 Dialogue One W: Have you ever cried before, Michael M: Not as long as I can remember. Why W: I just want to know how a man feels when he cries. Bill came home very upset the other day. He said "I gave up." and threw himself in the sofa. I could see the tears in his eyes. M: Was it because of his work W: Yes, he said he couldn't stand the pressure any more. M: Poor Bill! What did you do then W: That was the first time I had seen him cry. I was so scared that I didn't know what to do at that time. M: Stay with him and tell him that you understand. That's all you can do, Jane. Dialogue Two W: Hey, Jeffrey, I'm a superwoman now! M: Are you crazy, Jane W: Just tell me what your least favorite color is, then I can tell you what kind of person you are. W: Well, listen. You may put feelings first. If you're kind to others, you want the same from them. So when others can't do as you do, you feel hurt and unhappy. M: Yeah, that's me. I think it's unfair if others don't do as I do. My sister Kelly never wears brown. What can you tell about her W: She's always careful with things. Plans are important to her. If there's any problem with her plan, she will get worried. M: So she is. It seems that you are really a superwoman. What about yourself W: I don’t like yellow. So I’m a good listener. 四、 It's interesting to find how supermarkets arrange their things in order to increase sales. For example, they often put fresh fruit, vegetables or flowers near the entrance to give customers the impression that the things in the supermarket are fresh. Another way is to put the new and expensive things where you can easily see while the things for daily use are put on some upper or lower shelves. No matter where they are, you have to find them. What's more, sometimes supermarkets even change the places of ... ...

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