
2022版高考英语(译林版)一轮复习课件: 必修5 Unit 2 The environment(85张ppt)

日期:2024-06-11 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:17次 大小:2869760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 必修5 Unit 2 The environment 课 前 三 言 两 语 It's our duty to save water can't live without if everyone pays more attention to our environment take effective measures to protect our environment water 基 础 知 识 梳 理 debate arrest conflict decrease measure range absorb particular conserve recycle duty production measures to absorb decreased recycled ranging arrested conflicts debating be conserved believe responsibility appreciation impression impressive operation operator illegal illegally consumer consumption responsibility responsible operator operated operation impressive impression impress illegally illegal legal appreciate appreciation consumers consumed consumption 工厂;发电厂 海关;关税 管理;管理部门;施行;(美国)政府 洪水;大批,大量 泛滥;淹没;大量涌入 交通工具,车辆 十年 燃料 提供燃料;加油 数量 赞扬,称赞,认可;信用,信誉;学分 n. 理解,认识 vt.激发 vt.放置 n.学分 n.(电影,戏剧等的)摄制 n.工作 v. 蜂拥而至 open the floor use up run out (of) clean up in/with regard to up out In/With the cut back on queue up pick out let off do one's part its on off under way in particular result in in use blame...on... rely on...for... in for on in the way she had handled the call What if it rains it when she calls me at work 重 难 考 点 探 究 in beyond hold the belief that is my belief that into in to operate on him to do/perform an operation on him on/upon with was deeply impressed with/by left/made a deep impression on me by to solve to some measuring 30 metres a beyond ranging from 18 to 35 helping of I would appreciate it if to be absorbed absorbed absorbing Absorbed in his singing to ensure for responsibility takes/bears the responsibility for of across ran out ran out of his money gave out/was used up 挑选 辨认出 领会 was picked out as the best What if if about what What if I fall sick liked it when you told that joke it that it that everything is ready 核 心 素 养 达 标 to make operation impression Absorbed have been taken belief ranging letting to consume decades it the for if of the in less likely are wasted arrival 去掉第二个the little→ less With the development of economy to take measures to protect to develop our sense of responsibility realize the importance of protecting to do our parts try to change our way of life Recycle the things try our best to cut back on live a better life It's time that we took/should take measures to protect the environment Only when we realize the importance of protecting the environment are we willing to do our parts for it. We should try our best to cut back on pollution of the environment in order that we can live a better life. 课 时 提 能 练 点击右图进入… Thank you for watching !

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