
Unit 3 My weekend plan 高频考点精练卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:10次 大小:203769Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教版PEP六年级上册英语高频考点精练卷 Unit 3 My weekend plan (时间:60分钟 总分:100分) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得分 一、读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分) ( )1. A. see a film B. take a trip C. this evening ( )2. A going B reading C. interesting ( )3. A.tonight B. tomorrow C. together ( )4. A.cinema B. dictionary C. library ( )5. A.word book B. postcard C. bookstore 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Why not _____ (go) to the supermarket with your parents 2. Lily _____(go) for a picnic tomorrow morning. 3. What _____ you _____ (do) next weekend 4. We should learn by_____(do). 5. Look! Sarah is _____ the phone _____ Mike. 三、单项选择。(15分) 1. You travel to the moon. That is a _____. A. space book B. film C. space travel 2. My family _____ going to get together this evening. A. are B. will C. am 3. ─ _____ ─Yes. Do you have comic books A. Can you help me B. Can I help you C. What are you going to buy 4. My aunt _____ going to make mooncakes. A.is B. are C.am 5. — _____are you going — Next Wednesday. A.What B. Where C. When 6. My mother tells us a story _____ the moon. A. for B. in C. about 7. —When are you going —I am going _____. A. to the cinema B. tonight C. by plane 8. She is going to the bookstore _____ this Sunday. A.to B. on C. in 9. -- _____ are you going -- Next Wednesday. A.What B. When C. Where 10.I want to go to the zoo _____ Sunday morning. A.on B.at C.in 四、用所给的内容补全下面对话。(10分) A: 1._____(What/Where)are you going to do tomorrow B: I'm going to have2. _____(a/an)English lesson. A: What are you going to do in your lesson B: We're going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. A: That 3. _____ (sound/sounds)great! I'm going to 4._____(see/ read)a film tomorrow. B: Have a good time! A: You too. I have 5._____ (do/to do)my homework now. Bye. B: OK. Bye. 五、看图片,答一答。(10分) 1.—What are you going to do this afternoon —_____ 2.—What are they going to do tomorrow morning —_____ 3.—How is she going to the park —_____ 4.—Where are you going this evening —_____ 5.—What are they going to do on weekends —_____ 六、连词成句,请注意句子的开头字母和标点符号。(15分) 1. your are lesson do what you to going in ( ) 2. I, go, picnic, with, will, them, a, next, for, Sunday (.) 3. what, mother, buy, your, is, to, going, tomorrow ( ) 4. a will my tell Chang'e grandma about us story (.) 5. together, we, going to, are, TV, watch (.) 七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(15分) It’s Saturday today.We are going to watch a football match (比赛 tomorrow. It’s between a Japanese team and a Chinese team. The football match is going to begin at four o'clock in the afternoon. Our teachers Mr Li and Mr Wang are going to watch the football match with us. We are going there by bike. I think we are going to come back at about six o’clock in the evening. ( )1. What day is tomorrow A. Friday B Monday C Sunday ( )2. We are going to ... ...

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