
Unit 2 Teachers’ Day单元测试 C卷( pdf版可编辑 含答案及听力书面材料 无听力音频)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:94次 大小:544567Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 2 单元测试 听力加油站 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 ( )1. A. picture B. present ( )2. A. smile B. small ( )3. A. apples B. photos ( )4. A. drawing B. reading ( )5. A. horse B. house 二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子 ( )1. A. This is a paper flower. B. These are paper flowers. ( )2. A. This is my new drawing. B. This is my new coat. ( )3. A. Let me take some photos. B Let’s draw some potatoes. ( )4. A. It’s a nice picture. B. He’s a nice teacher. ( )5. A. Happy Children’s Day. B. Happy Teachers’ Day. 三、听录音,判断图片正(T)误(F)。 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 基础演练场 四、看图,写字母补全单词。 1. fl_ _er 2. _an_a 3. _ _oto 4. s_ _le 5. P_P_ _ 五、判断每组单词画线部分发音是()否(×)相同。 ( )1. window tomorrow short ( )2. mouth house cousin ( )3. boat coat draw ( )4. Teacher tea eat ( )5. kind nice sitting 小学数学 五年级上册 1 / 3 六、单项选择。 ( )1. The kids _____ reading story books. A. is B. are C. am ( )2. —_____ are the girls —They are in the garden. A. What B. Where C. How ( )3. _____ are paper birds. A. That B. These C. It ( )4. —Whose coat is _____ —It’s Peter’s. A. they B. these C. this ( )5. Let me _____ a birthday card. A. makes B. making C. make ( )6. It’s a present _____ you. A. for B. in C. with 七、将节日祝福语和日期图片匹配。 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) A. Happy Teachers’ Day! B. Happy New Year! C Happy Children’s Day! D. Merry Christmas! 能力提升营 八、看图,选择正确的短语补全句子或对话,然后图文匹配。 A B C D E make paper flowers take a photo say goodbye to in the sitting room draw a picture 1. Please give me some paper. We want to _____ 2. Please _____ your teacher alter school. 3. Let’s _____. One, two, three. Smile, please! 小学数学 五年级上册 2 / 3 4. May I use your crayons I want to _____. 5. —Where are you, Mom —I’m _____. 九、仿照例句,根据英语提示写句子。 例:(toy panda) This is a toy panda. These are toy pandas. 1.(English book) _____ _____ 2.(new drawing) _____ _____ 小学数学 五年级上册 3 / 3Unit 2 单元测试 答案 听力材料 一、1. It’s a present for you. 2. One, two, three! Smile, please! 3. They are nice photos. 4. This is my new drawing. 5. These are beautiful houses. 三、1. This is a paper flower. 2. This is my new coat. 3. Let me take some photos. 4. He’s a nice teacher. 5. Happy Children’s Day. 三、1. —This is a new pencil. It’s for you. —Thank you. It’s beautiful. I like it. 2. —Happy New Year, Dad! —Happy New Year, Lucy! 3. —This is some paper. It’s for you. —Thank you. Let’s make a paper toy. 4. —It’s a nice picture. Are you good at drawing —Yes, I am. 听力加油站 一、【答案】1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B 二、【答案】1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 三、【答案】1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 基础演练场 四、【答案】1. ow 2. p d 3. ph 4. mi 5. a er 五、【答案】1.× 2.× 3.× 4.√ 5.× 六、【答案】1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 能力提升营 七、【答案】1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 小学英语 五年级上册 1 / 2 八、【答案】1.E make paper flowers 2.D say goodbye to 3.C take a pho ... ...

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