

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:96次 大小:42831Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020-2021学年浙江省杭州市余杭区七年级(上)期中英语试卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。 1.(6分)Read the notices on the board carefully and answer the following questions. Helen: I found a watch under a desk in Classroom 7 E.Is it yours?Ask Ms.Li for it.Her phone number is 912﹣6547. Cindy Lost:My dog Its name is Coco.It's white.Please call me at 398﹣2701 if you find it.Thanks. Jenny Lost: I lost my notebook this morning in Classroom 702.If you find it,call me.My telephone number is 667﹣3805.Thanks. Alice Found: Is this your baseball?I found it in the school library.Call me all 704﹣3477. Mike (1)Who lost a notebook in Classroom 702?     A.Mike. B.Helen. C.Alice. D.Jenny. (2)Which telephone number can you call if(如果) you find a dog?     A.704﹣3477. B.398﹣2701. C.912﹣6547. D.667﹣3805. (3)Which of the following is TRUE (正确的)according to the lost and found notices?     A.Jenny lost a black dog. B.Ask Cindy for the watch. C.Alice found a notebook in Classroom 702. D.Call Mike for your lost baseball. 2.(8分)Tony is from New York.His father is a teacher.And her mother is a teacher,too.He's seven years old now and studies(学习)in his parents' school this year.Tony is no late(迟到) It's 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning.Miss White,a math teacher,is teaching her students to count (数数),Tony?" Tony stands up(起立) and counts,and then says,Miss White." "Who are they?" "My father and my mother." "Oh?" Miss White is surprised (吃惊的),"Two people in your family?" "Because now I'm not at home." (1)How old is Tony now?     A.Four years old. B.Five years old. C.Six years old. D.Seven years old. (2)Tony's teacher likes him very much,because    . A.he studies in his father's school B.he is a good student C.he is late for (迟到) school D.he can't count (3)Where is Tony at 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning?     A.In a math class. B.In the school library. C.In an English class. D.At home. (4)How many people are there in Tony's family from the passage?     A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. 3.(8分)Hello!My name is Anna Smith.Anna is my first name.Smith is my last name.I am from England.I am in China with my parents now.I am thirteen years old.I'm in PEP Middle School in Hangzhou.I like reading books.They are my good friends.My school number is 0628.My telephone number is 929﹣3 155.Call me,maybe we can be good friends. This is Peter Qin.He is thirteen,too.Peter and I are good friends.We are not in the same (相同的) school Ms.King is my Chinese teacher.She is a nice lady(女士).I often ring her at 390﹣7632 to ask for help.Gina is her daughter.She is a lovely girl.And she is in Harvard Primary School(哈弗小学).She is a book﹣lover,too.In her room,on the desk and in the bookcase. (1)Peter is a middle school student from    . A.PEP Middle School B.Hangzhou C.Harvard Primary School D.England (2)Which gift (礼物 ... ...

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