
2020-2021学年河北省唐山市迁安市八年级(上)期中英语试卷 (含答案解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:43次 大小:40930Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020-2021学年河北省唐山市迁安市八年级(上)期中英语试卷 笔试部分Ⅵ.单项选择。(共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分) 1.(1分)﹣Did you watch the latest movie My People,My Country? ﹣Yes.It's wonderful movie.(  ) A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.(1分)﹣What do you think of Mr.Green? ﹣Fantastic!No.one teaches than him in our school.(  ) A.worst B.worse C.better D.best 3.(1分)_____ the player tried his best,he lost the game at last.(  ) A.Also B.But C.Although D.However 4.(1分)Our English teacher Mr.Smith is and we are all afraid of him.(  ) A.serious B.kind C.hard﹣working D.lazy 5.(1分)﹣What do you expect from the news ? ﹣I hope what's going on around the world.(  ) A.learn;to find out B.to learn;look for C.to learn;to find out D.learn;look for 6.(1分)Everybody should in saving the earth.(  ) A.play a role B.make up C.dress up D.cut up 7.(1分)Amanda read the article____,and found something important in it.(  ) A.enough careful B.carefully enough C.enough carefully D.careful enough 8.(1分)There is important in the newspaper.It isn't necessary to spend much time on it.(  ) A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing 9.(1分)﹣Sorry,mum.I a cup. ﹣Never mind.Be careful next time.(  ) A.break B.broken C.am breaking D.broke 10.(1分)My sister the vegetable because she thinks its smell is terrible.(  ) A.dislike B.dislikes C.disliked D.will dislike Ⅶ.完形填空。 11.(10分)Everyone is good at something,for example,singing(乐器).Amy and Danny are my good friends.Amy sings the best(1)   us.She joined lots of singing competitions and won many(2)   .Danny has talent for playing the piano.His mom(3)   him a piano as a gift on his eighth birthday.Then he started to play it.What about me?I am good at(4)   . There is a talent show in our school every year.It is a(5)   event(事件),and almost everybody takes part in it.It's up to the teachers and students to(6)   who sings best or plays the piano most beautifully. Last year,Amy and Danny(7)   the show,but I didn't,(8)   I thought no one would go to a talent show to watch a child draw a picture. (9)   of them practiced hard before the show.Amy won second prize and Danny didn't win a prize,but he was (10)   very happy. "The most important thing is that I tried my best to do it," he said. (1)A.for B.into C.of D.as (2)A.prizes B.parties C.programs D.tickets (3)A.chose B.touched C.broke D.gave (4)A.acting B.drawing C.singing D.dancing (5)A.similar B.poor C.great D.terrible (6)A.decide B.worry C.follow D.learn (7)A.watched B.asked C.joined D.left (8)A.so B.although C.if D.because (9)A.Other B.Both C.All D.Any (10)A.still B.already C.ever D.never Ⅷ.阅读理解。 12.(6分)Come and enjoy your summer in the Tianma Country Club! Go news!The Tianma Country Club will start its summer camp.It of ... ...

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