
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 单元综合提升检测卷 (无答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:91次 大小:125952Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版八年级英语上册Unit5 单元综合提升检测卷 一、单项选择题(共10题,共10分) ( )1.—Do you like _____ movie HI,MOM(《你好,李焕英》) —Yes. I think it’s _____ educational movie and I like it very much. A the; an B a; an C a; the D the; a ( )2.—Now more and more oreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. —That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese _____. A culture B competition C service D Information ( )3.—We all know that Mount Huang is _____ for its beauty than many other mountains in China. A farther B more famous C more pleased D Warmer ( )4.—How was your vacation —It was not as great as we _____. A excepted B minded C tired D Gave ( )5.—What are the girls doing now, Nancy —They are _____ or the dancing show tonight. A dressing up B finding out C serious D Talented ( )6.I like warm places. I hope _____ Hainan this winter. A visiting B to visit C visited D Visit ( )7.—Where are you going to spend the coming winter holiday —I’m not sure. I _____ go to Harbin with my parents. A might B need C should D Must ( )8.—What_____ just now, Mom —Oh, your sister lost her book. We all helped her look for it. A happens B will happen C happened D is happening ( )9.—Why do Chinese people like red —_____ the color red is the symbol of good luck in China. A Though B If C So D Because ( )10.—What do you think of the soap opera —_____. It’s really boring. A I like it very much B B. Yes, I’d like to C I don’t think so D I can’t stand it 二、完形填空(共15题,共15分) What do you usually watch in your free time You will certainly think of short videos like Tik Tok(抖音)and Kuaishou. As people say, you’d better not miss “short videos” 11 you want to know which social app Chinese young people use a lol now. Most of these young people think 12 fun to share short videos about their lives, while others have different ideas. A 12-year-old girl 13 Elsa has up to 2.7 million followers on Tik Tok. The girl has shared videos 14 her dancing studies since last July One of the videos 15 her about one million fans. I feel really 16 to share my daily life with other people by short videos. I’m glad they like them said Elsa. As some videos are about latest news, a group of users get 17 from them. To some other users, they 18 have a different purpose(目的)“Because I’m an impatient(没有耐心的)person,I don’t like 19 a program to end. And I can’t 20 many hours watching a long video. I’d like to watch 21 videos of wonderful parts in a concert or a TV play,” said Wang Zhihap. However, some young Chi feel 22 with some short videos “Killing time(打发时间)is the main 23 for me to watch the short videos, and many are almost the same. So I think it is a waste(浪费)of 24 . Besides, I really don’t like the videos which show strange 25 dangerous,” said Wen Nan, a college: student. ( )11.A but B if C unless D though ( )12.A he B they C it D she ( )13.A named B given C made D taught ( )14.A for B to C with D about ( )15.A won B hit C decide ... ...

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