
Unit 3 Dates第六课时(More Reading&Writing)课件+内嵌素材(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:96次 大小:32143740Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Dates 广东英语开心版 五年级上 Unit 3 Dates Teacher: 粤 人 版 More Reading&Writing Sounds & Words Review Listen and write. Review July October February March January April Listen and write. Review August September November December May June Pre-reading Lead in 1. Do you like festival(节日) 2. Do you know what festival it is New Year’s Day Spring Festival Water Festival Read and match. Presentation Reading & Writing New Year’s Day is on January 1st, but people in Australia often have parties on the night of December 31st. They like going out. Just before 12:00 midnight, they shout “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!” Presentation When’s New Year’s Day It’s on January 1st. What do people often do on the night of December 31st They often have parties. 叫;喊 Reading & Writing The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. It’s not always on January 1st. The date of the Chinese New Year changes every year, but it’s always in January or February. Presentation When’s Spring Festival It’s in January or February. 改变 Answer the questions What can you do during(在……期间) Spring Festival Presentation New Year’s Day in Thailand is in April. It has another name—the Water Festival. People don’t have parties at home. They throw water at each other in the street. It’s a lot of fun! Presentation Reading & Writing When’s Water Festival What do people often do on Water Festival It’s in April. Theythrow water at each other in the street. 泼水 相互 Read and write. Practice It’s in April. It’s on January 1st. It’s on February 12th. Complete the posters. Practice Complete the posters. Practice 12 3 Happy December midnight 午夜 Complete the posters. Practice Water April Complete the posters. Practice February Spring 灯笼 Summary 1. shout 叫;喊 2. change 改变 3. throw water 泼水 4. each other 相互 5. midnight 午夜 6. lantern 灯笼 Words Thank you https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php

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