
Unit 3 Progress单元全课时学案(上教版必修二)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:58次 大小:4328163Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高中英语 上教版 高一年级 必修二学案 第三单元 Progress 第一课时(学生版) 课题:Reading and interaction: Going global (I) 课时学习目标: 通过阅读理解全球化给世界带来的变化和对人类社会的影响; 针对作者对全球化引发的问题所表达的观点提出自己的见解。 I. Pre-reading Before you read, choose a foreign country you know. Think about how it is different from or similar to China. Tick one or two aspects below and talk about them in groups. the buildings the climate the language the food the music the clothes the people others: _____ Look at the title, the pictures and the table. Predict what the passage is mainly about. _____ II. While-reading Skim the whole passage and match the paragraph(s) with the main ideas. para ____ The writer’s concern about certain changes. para ____ ~ ____ The world population growth and its reason. para ____ ~ ____ The changes in different aspects in people’s lives. Read paragraphs 1~3 and complete the following tasks. (1) Complete the table about world population growth. World population growth Year Number 8000 BCE ____ million 1805 CE ____ billion 1927 2 billion 1987 ____ billion 1999 6 billion 2011 ____billion 2100 ____billion (2) Answer the question. Why did the population start growing quickly after 8000 BCE _____ _____ Read paragraphs 4 and 5 and complete the following tasks. According to the writer, in what ways does our planet seem to be getting significantly smaller Analyze the changes that have occurred in different aspects and complete the table. For any information not available in the passage, please infer from the context or refer to your own knowledge. In the past Today Travel Travellers spent months at sea. _____ _____ _____ _____ Answer the following questions. How many languages does the writer probably speak _____ _____ Why are languages disappearing around the world _____ _____ Read paragraph 6 and answer the questions. What does “it” in the sentence “Where will it stop ” refer to _____ _____ Does the writer prefer to live in a world with no cultural differences Why _____ _____ III. Post-reading Voice your opinion: Do you think the situation imagined by the writer in the last paragraph will happen in reality Why or why not ( Take notes here: ) IV. Interaction Think about the following question and have a discussion with your classmates. Do you think globalization is unavoidable Why ( Take notes here: ) V. Assignments 1. Listen to the audio recording of the text and read the text aloud at least twice. 2. Finish the summary exercise on page 44 in the textbook. 高中英语 上教版 高一年级 必修二 第三单元 Progress 第二课时(学生版) 课题:Reading and interaction: Going global (II): Deep reading 课时学习目标: 通过阅读分析作者写作策略理解其写作意图; 结合自身探讨全球化对于生活及社会的影响。 I. Revision The topic of this unit is “Progress ”. Try to explain what the question mark implies based on your understanding of the reading passage. _____ _____ _____ _____ II. Deep reading How does the writer make his argum ... ...

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