

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:81次 大小:26746Byte 来源:二一课件通
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八年级上册英语Unit4基础训练—单项选择 (  )1.—Which bicycle shall we buy, the red one or the blue one —It's up to you _____. A.decide B.to decide C.deciding D.decided (  )2.—In the music club Helen plays the guitar _____. —Yes! She even plays it as _____ as her music teacher. more beautifully; better B.most beautifully; better C.more beautifully; well D.most beautifully; well (  )3.They were talking _____ there and Susan was not happy. A.loud B.loudly C.aloud D.aloudly (  )4. —Who does homework , Tom, Jack or Bill —Bill. A.more carefully B.more careful C.most carefully D.most careful (  )5.Parents usually _____ a role in _____ their kids. A.play; helping B.make; helping C.play; help D.make; help (  )6.Of all the teams in NBA.I think the Los Angeles Lakers played this year. A.most successfully B.the more successfully C.very successfully D.much more successfully (  )7.Town Cinema _____ the most popular and _____the best sound. A.is, has B.is, is C.has, has D.has, is (  )8.It’s interesting___ other people___their talents. A.to watch,to show B.watch,to show C.to watch,show D.watch,show (  )9.—I really like to watch the TV program The Reader《朗读者》. —Me,too. It's one of the _____ TV programs I've ever seen. A.least boring B.least interesting C.most boring D.most interesting (  )10.The fifth pear is _____ of all. Give it to that little child. A.big B.bigger C.the biggest (  )11.After school, Mrs. Smith said to her students, “Goodbye,     ! See you next Monday!” A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody (  )12.Miss Li left her purse at my home. Please     . A.give it to her B.give her it C.give it her (  )13.We can do a lot of things to make our school greener.     , we can plant more trees. A.Such as B.So far C.For example (  )14.—Shall we go out for dinner or eat at home —It’s     you. I don’t care. A.good for B.up to C.similar to (  )15.These cinemas have one thing     . A.common B.in common C.commonly ( )16. A 100-year-old man ran a marathon in Toronto on Sunday. He became the Person to complete the long-distance running in the world. A.youngest B. best C. biggest D. oldest ( )17.It’s summer now. The weather is getting . A. higher and higher B.lower and lower C. hotter and hotter D.colder and colder ( )18.Who listens Tom, Jack or Bill A. the most carefully B. more carefully C. the most careful D. more careful ( )19.- Peter is than you, right -Yes, but he is runner In our class. A. heavier; best B. heavy; the be C. heavier; the best D. heavy; be ( )20.- Who gets up of you all in the dormitory, Tony -Jimmy does. A.early B.earlier C. earliest D.most early ( )21.It is polite a gift when you visit somebody for the first time. A.take B. taking C. to take D.takes ( )22.When to leave you. A.is up to B. is up for C.is up at D. is up on ( )23.Tom enjoys TV at night. A.watches B. watch C. watching D. watched ( )24. -Is the school close the post office ... ...

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