
教科版(广州)三年级英语下册期末教学检测卷 广东广州黄埔区2021春真卷(PDF扫描版,无答案,无听力原文和音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:40次 大小:1361587Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020-2021学年第二学期期末教学检测 )A. They are blue B. They are Ben's pet 6.( )A. No. there isn't B. Yes. it is 三年级英语 7 A. They are in the box B. There are two (全卷共6页,70分钟完成) )A.Yes, they are B. No there arent ) A. I am nine B. I am Xiaoli 听力部分(44%) )A. Yes. Here you are B. They are purple 听单词或短语三次,根据听到的顺序给图编号,将答案的字母编号写在括号内。(9%) 四、听每个小对话三次,按对话的顺序给图编号,将答案的字母编号写在括号内。(6%) 2() 3. 4.() 听句子三次,判断句子是否符合图意,如符合在括号内写T,否则写F。(15%) 五、听对话三次,仿照例子将人与物用线连起来。(4%) 2.( 8.( 听句子三次,选出相应的答语,把所选答案的字母编号写在括号内。(10%) B. Mike's )A It's a duck B.It’ s smal 3. )A. It's a fish B. They are monkeys 4.( )A It's yellow B.It’ s on the chai 年级英语试题第1页 三年级英语试题第2页共6页 音素部分(10%) 、看图,用所给的单词填空(每词只能用一次),把所选答案的字母编号写在横 、听读字母音素三次,写出你听到的音。(4% 线上。(6%) A tall B cute C old D pretty E long F lovely 6 、听读单词三次,选出单词所缺的字母并填写在单词中。(4%) t(oa, ou) 2 f (ow, ur) 3. p k (or, oi) ay, oa) 5. f t(ir, igh) 6. f d(ai, ee) 7.p le. Ir t(ui. ur) 三、听读单词三次,写出听到的单词。(2%) I have a big family. My grandpa is My father is 3. mother has hair. She is My sister has long hair, too. My little brother is I have a pet. Its I love my family 、判断下列句子与图意是否一致,如一致在括号内写T,否则写F。(9%) 读写部分(46%) 根据图意,用所给的字母组成单词,把答案写横线上。(9%) 2. c, k,c, n, h,i,e 3.u,s, m,0.e There is a kite on the table ()2. There isn't a ball under the table ()3. The robot is in the box ()4.The chair is in front of the table 4.0, b,o, r,t 5. h, 0, t,e,L, e, n, e p 6.0, t,p,h,o ( )5.There is a doll on the chair )6. There are some books in the picture 三年级英语试题第3页共6页 三年级英语试题第4页共6页

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