
Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Let's learn 课件+教案(共44张PPT)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:95次 大小:23221661Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit Three My weekend plɑn Part B Let’s learn PEP 六年级上 1 6 5 4 3 2 1号蛋:Sorry 返回 2号蛋 返回 I’m going to…. next Saturday . 3号蛋 返回 Let’s sing! 4号蛋 返回 go swimming play basketball visit my grandparents make a snowman take a trip go to the supermarket 5号蛋 返回 选词填空: _____are you going (when/what/where) I am going to the cinema. Where 6号蛋 返回 选词填空: _____are you going (when/what/where) I am going on the weekend. When What are John and Jack going to do next Tuesday They’re going to see a film. >> Lead in Where are they going after seeing the film Can you guess Let’s check. supermarket B. home C. bookstore >> Lead in What is John going to buy Let’s check. an English book B. a comic book C. a storybook >> Lead in com ic book >> 怎么记住呢? com book ic ic com book >> 怎么记住呢? co c book mi >> 怎么记住呢? : There are many pictures or cartoons in the book . a comic book I am going to buy _____. a comic book some comic books What are you going to buy It’s also a book , You can find a lot of words, It’s a . Guess word work 单词 工作 word work wor d word wor k work >> 怎么记住呢? word books I’m going to buy a word book like ___. A B C D What are you going to buy I’m going to buy (a) _____. You’re going to send a card in the post office. What kind of card can you buy in the post office A. B. postcard post office >> 怎么记住呢? postcard car car d card >> 怎么记住呢? p t c d os ar >> 怎么记住呢? a postcard. I ‘m going to buy He’s going to buy We are going to buy ___is going to buy >> Look and say When New Year’s Day comes, we often send postcards to our friends. words look up(查阅) the words in the dictionary English dictionary Chinese dictionary dic tion ary >> 怎么记住呢? dic ary tion ary tion dic ary diction >> 怎么记住呢? a dictionary two dictionaries A: Where are you going B: I’m going to the bookstore. A: What _____ B: I’m going to buy (a) _____. postcard comic book dictionary word book >> 怎么记住呢? 明信片 连环画册 词典 单词书 post card comic book word book dictionary word book >> Game time Practice 快速猜测并读出单词。 dictionary comic book word book postcard English book dictionaries Chen Jie is going to buy _____ for her dad. John is going to buy _____ for his brother. Sarah is going to buy _____ for his mum. He is going to buy _____ for his cousin, Jack. a word book a comic book a dictionary a postcard bookstore If you are in the bookstore, how to ask and answer >> role -play Can I help you Yes. Do you have comic books Yes ! Here they are. What are you going to buy, Sarah I’m going to buy some word books. >> Learn to say 这是口语中一句极为常用的句子(也说 What can I do for you? 或 May I help you? 等),广泛用于商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场所,作为对顾客的招呼语。其本义是:要我帮忙吗? 我可以帮你吗? 我能替你做点什么吗? 但具体含义要视场合而定。 Can I help you 句型解读 Group work. Make a new dialogue. ★ A: Can I he ... ...

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