
江苏省南通市如东县2020-2021学年第二学期四年级英语期末试题 (图片版含答案,含听力音频,无听力原文 )

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:60次 大小:26990142Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    20202021学年度第二学期小学素质调研测试 四年级英语 (满分100分,答卷时间60分钟) 亲爱的同学们,英语书写很重要,认真书写也是学习英语的好习惯,答题时别忘了 把字写好哦。如果你的卷面整洁,书写规范、美观,可以得3分呢!同学们,加油!come on (一) Listening Test(听力部分)(共30分) (209841) I. Listen and choose.(根据所听内容,将正确答案写入括号内,)(6分) )1. A./kout/ B./baut/ C./auld )2.A.5:30 B.5:13 CCc C.15:03 )3. A. fever B. evening C. river 4.A B C C )5.A B )6. A. I am too short B. I have two shirts. C. My nose hurts I Listen and order (听录音,按所听到的顺序用数字1-6给下列图片标上序号,将答案写在括号内。)(6分) Ⅲ. Listen and choose (听录音,选择合适的应答句,将正确答案写入括号内。)(6分) B. Friday. C. Tuesday. A. At nine. 2. A. It's my mother's B. They are my sisters C. They're my brothers C. I like jeans. )3. A. I like trees B. Me too C. Summer. 04. A. Spring B. Winter. I'm sorry to hear that. )5. A. Well done. B. All right. C. I can see a playground ()6. A. I can see a kite B. I can see some app 四年级英语第1页(共6页 ⅣV. Listen and choose. (听对话,选择合适的内容,将正确答案写入括号内。)(6分) C )1. Mrs Green is Mike's A. mother B. sister C. aunt Mike go to school today. A. can B.can’t C.don’t )3. Mike is now. A. in bed B. at school C. in the park )4. Miss Black is a B「 )5. Its toda y A. Friday B. Thursday C. Tuesday . There isn’ta lesson today. A. PE B. Chinese C. Science V. Listen and write 根据所听内容完成短文,将答案填写在横线上,每空一词。)(6分) This is my school. I go to school at seven This is my I have Chinese and Maths every day. I like and PE. This is the playground. I play here after school. You can see a lot of flowers and trees at my school. My school IS draw pictures at my school. I love my school. (二) Writing Test(读写部分)(共67分) I Read and choose (选出划线部分读音与其余两个不同的一项,将正确答案写入括号内。)(5分) C )1. They like those hot dogs A B C ) 2. Dad, Dad, come and make a cake A B C 03. We eat a red apple at three. A B C 04. This is a nice Chi Inese son A B C )5. These books are for the girls A B C 四年级英语第2页(共6页)2020—2021学年度第二学期小学期末测试 四年级英语参考答案及评分标准 Listening Test(听力部分)(共30分) Ⅰ. Listen and choose. (每题1分, 共6分) C A C A B B Ⅱ. Listen and order. (每题1分, 共6分) 2 6 5 1 3 4 Ⅲ.Listen and choose. (每题1分, 共6分) B C B A C B Ⅳ.Listen and choose. (每题1分, 共6分) A B A B CA Ⅴ.Listen and write. (每题1分, 共6分) forty timetable English football nice usually (二)Writing Test(读写部分)(共67分) Ⅰ. Read and choose. (每题1分, 共6分) A A B A B Ⅱ. Look, read and write. (每题1分, 共8分) 1 Sunday; 2 Autumn; 3 skating; 4 easy; 5 cough; 6 is; 7 don’t have; 8 sad Ⅲ. Look, read and complete. (每空2分, 共10分) 1 What subjects; 2 go boating; 3 have/eat some cake(s); 4 blue jeans; 5 have a picnic Ⅳ. Read and arrange.(10分) 1 What day is it today 2 Your trousers are too long. 3 What is the matter with your mother 4 Her brothers want to eat ice creams. 5 Mike and Helen do homework at six. ... ...

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