
Unit 3 Look at me! A Letters and sounds课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:62次 大小:5853015Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Look at me ! A Letters and sounds Aa Aa apple apple Bb Bb /b/ /b/ /b/ bag bag /b/ /b/ /b/ Cc Cc /k/ /k/ /k/ cat cat /k/ /k/ /k/ Dd Dd /d/ /d/ /d/ duck duck /d/ /d/ /d/ Let's chant Look and say egg elephant / e / Ee ,Ee /e/ /e/ /e/ egg /e/ /e/ /e/ elephant /e/ /e/ /e/ Look and say face foot / f / Ff,Ff / f / / f / / f / face / f / / f / / f / foot / f / / f / / f / gift green g green gift Look and say / g / Gg,Gg /g/ /g/ /g/ gift /g/ /g/ /g/ green /g/ /g/ /g/ hand hi hi hand h Look and say / h / Hh,Hh /h/ /h/ /h/ hi /h/ /h/ /h/ hand /h/ /h/ /h/ Look and say ice ice cream / ai / Ii,Ii /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ ice /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ ice cream /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ Listen and repeat egg elephant face foot green gift hi hand ice cream ice Let’s chant Ee ,Ee /e/ /e/ /e/ egg elephant /e/ /e/ /e/ Ff,Ff / f / / f / / f / face foot / f / / f / / f / Gg,Gg /g/ /g/ /g/ gift green /g/ /g/ /g/ Hh,Hh /h/ /h/ /h/ hi hand /h/ /h/ /h/ Ii,Ii /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ ice ice- cream /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ Write and say Listen and circle g d c h r f a e i a What's missing Game : What's missing Game : What's missing Game : What's missing Game : What's missing Game 3 : What's missing Game : Look and match. face hand egg gift elephant ice cream Aa_____ Cc c_____ e D_____ F Ee Ff _____ Bb d E Gg Ff Gg _____ Ii g_____ i h Look and write 仔细观察字母,给它们分分类。 2、只占中格的小写字母: 3、占中下格的小写字母: 1、占中上格的小写字母: Homework 1.听录音10分钟,读课本P26的单词和字母3遍。 2.抄写Ee、Ff、Gg、Hh、Ii五个字母每个各2行。 Thank you for your listening! Bye bye!!! 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php

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