

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:22次 大小:22971Byte 来源:二一课件通
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江西省吉安市第二中学2021-2022学年度新目标英语八年级上学期Unit2拓展提高训练 一、单项选择 1.The answers ____ our questions ____ watching TV were interesting. A.of, about B.of, do C.about, to D.to, about 2.—Mary looks so slim. —Yes. She eats the _____ meat and the _____ vegetables of us. A.least; most B.fewest; most C.most; fewest D.fewest; least 3.It’s good your health_____. A.for; to drink milk B.for ; to drink a milk C.of ; drink milk D.of ;to drink milk 4.As we all know, about 75 percent of the earth_____covered by water. A.is B.are C.am D.were 5.Look! A number of people ____ trees over there. A.is plant B.is planting C.plant D.are planting 6.A small river goes_____ my village. There are many fish in it. A.cross B.in C.through D.out 7.It’s dangerous_____ with the wild animal. A.for us to play B.of us playing C.for us playing D.of us to play 8.My favorite saying is “ Old habits die hard”, So we should have good habits. Do you think so A.姜还是老的辣 B.落叶归根 C.班门弄斧 D.旧习难改 9.-- Did you see Richard -- No. he is in the playground. A.Might B.May be C.Maybe D.May 10.— How many books in the bag are yours —_____ of them is mine. A.No one B.None C.Not one D.Not 二、阅读单选 During the day we work and play,and at night we sleep. Our body rests when we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most when we are asleep. Children who are tired usually need sleep. We can get better at our lessons after having plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are 8 or 9 years old need 10 hours of sleep every night. Our body needs plenty of air when we are asleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our head,our lungs need to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night,we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air. Boys and girls who want to be strong must get plenty of sleep.(plenty of: 大量的、充足的) 阅读上面短文,选出正确的答案。 11.Our body grows most when we are _____. A.eating B.playing C.sleeping 12.How many hours of sleep should 9-year-old children have every night A.8 hours. B.9 hours. C.10 hours. 13.If we don’t get enough fresh air, we will feel _____. A.tired B.hungry C.happy \ 14.What do the lungs need most A.Warm air. B.Exercise. C.Fresh air. 15.Which kind of air is better when we sleep A.cool air B.Warm air C.both A and B 未命名 未命名 试卷第1页,共3页 试卷第1页,共3页 参考答案 1.D 【解析】 句意:关于我们看电视的问题的答案很有趣。of属于;about关于…;to到、针对…;do做。第一个空The answer to…"…的答案"固定搭配,第二个空,about关于…,结合句意可知,答案为D。 点睛:the answer to this question这个问题的答案,类似的表达方法还有:the key to the door,the way to the bookstore;the entrance to the cinema;the secret to language learning 2.A 【详解】 句意:———玛丽看起来很苗条。 ———是的。在我们当中,她吃肉最少,吃蔬菜最多。 考查形容词最高级辨析 ... ...

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