
Module 10 The weather Unit 1 It might snow课件(共53张PPT)+音频

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:14次 大小:9562106Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Words and expressions cloud shower storm rainy snowy skate thick n. 云 n. 阵雨 n. 暴风雨 adj. 多雨的,下雨的 adj. 多雪的,下雪的 v. 滑冰 adj. 厚的 Words and expressions ice joke might temperature minus degree although n. 冰 v&n. 笑话,玩笑 v. aux. 可能,也许 n. 温度 adj. 负的,零下的 n. 度,度数 conj. 然而,尽管 wet neither terrible wish probably come on adj. 下雨的,湿的 adv. 也不 adj. 使人烦恼的,可怕的 v. 但愿,希望 adv. 或许,可能 快点 Words and expressions rainy windy sunny snowy showery stormy cloudy 1 Work in pairs. Talk about the weather. Use the words in the box to help you. cloud rain shower snow storm sun wind cloudy rainy snowy sunny windy sun cloud ny y 晴朗的 多云的 It’s -What’s the weather like -It’s… =How is the weather It’s rain wind y y 下雨的 刮风的 What’s the weather like It’s It’s storm shower y y What’s the weather like It’s It’s 暴风雨的 有阵雨的 snow y 下雪的 What’s the weather like It’s ℃ degree(s) temperature minus Can you read the temperature 5℃ ~ 8℃ -7℃ ~ 2℃ between minus seven and two degrees between five and eight degrees What’s the temperature What’s the temperature It’s… 1℃: -7℃: 5 ℃ ~ 8℃: -1℃ ~14℃: 10℃ ~ 21℃: 17℃ ~20℃: minus seven degrees one degree between five and eight degrees between minus one and fourteen degrees between ten and twenty-one degrees between seventeen and twenty degrees 7-12℃ 4-8℃ -2-3℃ -11- -9℃ 1- 5℃ Hainan Island 17-22℃ Ask and answer. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 Listen and check (√) the correct information in the table. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 5℃~8 ℃ --4℃~2 ℃ 3 Work in pairs. Correct the wrong information in the table. 1.What the weather might be like in Beijing It might be snow. It’s between minus eight and minus two degrees! 2.What’s the temperature Betty: Hey, boys! Tony: Hi, Betty. Hi, Lingling. Where are you going Betty: We’re going to the park to skate. There’s thick ice on the lake. Are you coming with us Tony: Are you joking It’s really cold today. Daming: And it’s cloudy too, so it might snow. Lingling: What’s the temperature Tony: It’s between minus eight and minus two degrees! Winter is colder here than in England. Daming: Is it snowy in England in December Tony: Not usually, although this year it snowed quite a lot. Most Decembers are wet and rainy. Daming: What’s the weather like in America in winter, Betty Betty: We have cold winters and hot summers. It’s snowy in New York in winter. Tony: Sounds great! I like sunny weather, and I like. snow as well. But I don’t like showers or windy weather. Betty: Me neither. Rainy weather is terrible! I wish I were in Australia now. It’s probably sunny and hot there. Lingling: You can go to Hainan Island if you like sunny weather. Betty: One day I will. Lingling: Come on, better get going! We can skate in the park and get warm. = had better go 最好现在走 【知识点1】between和among的区别: ①between表示在两者之间 ... ...

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