
牛津译林版7A Unit 2 Let’s play sports 第1课时教案

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:50次 大小:15130Byte 来源:二一课件通
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年级: 初一 学科: 英语 备课时间: 2012 年 9 月 8 日 课题 7A Unit 2 Let’s play sports 总第 1 课时 三维教学目标 1、知识目标: 1)、会用本课时的四会单词。 2)、词组 go swimming after school walk to my bowls many times3)、句型 Do you often play football What about you 2、能力目标:1)、学会掌握常见的几种体育运动的名称 2)、学会使用适当的语言谈论体育运动。3、情感目标:在不同的语境下交流各种体育运动 重点、难点 1、重点:掌握常见的几种体育运动的名称 2、难点:学会使用适当的语言谈论体育运动。 教 学 过 程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动) 集体讨论记录 个人修改记录 Step I 呈现1. 教师与全班学生回顾上一单元内容导入本单元的话题sports. 教师走到学生身边与他们对话Do you remember Millie, sandy, Simon and Daniel Who likes sports 引导学生回答:Simon is good at sports.再问:What about Amy What sport is Amy good at 启发学生回答:She is good at swimming.并把这些句型写在黑板上。对学生说:Look at the blackboard and read after me. 让学生跟读2.教授volleyball 和tennis. 出现Sandy 和Millie 打排球的图片。教师说:Look at Sandy and Millie. What sport are they good at They are good at playing volleyball. They can play volleyball very well. 板书volleyball 接着出示Kitty 打网球的图片。老师说Look at kitty. She likes tennis very much.板书tennisStep II 练习1. 安排学生完成课本A部分的练习。老师说:Sports are very interesting. Students like sports very much. Please look at the pictures in part A .Do you know what sports they like 指导学生看图补全句子。2. 学生两人一组练习这些对话,然后将它表演出来。Can you play volleyball \\football Do you like volleyball Are you good playing tennis Do you enjoy playing tennis What sports are you good at 3.鼓励学生根据实际情况,用自已学过的知识彼此进行交流。组织学生同桌问答或四人小组回答。Step III 呈现向学生呈现go swimming.老师说It’s very hot today. Do you think so / What’s your favorite sport in summer 鼓励学生根据情境思考并回答Ny favorite sports is winning .接着对学生说That’s a good idea. I like swimming too. Let’s go swimming this weekend.向学生介绍B部分的情境,并让他们听录音回答问题。老师说Amy and Simon like sports very much .Now they are talking about sports. Listen to the tape and tell me when Any goes swimming .(Every week)指导学生跟录音读并分角色朗读,并提醒学生注意模仿语音语调。 教 学 过 程(教学环节、教师活动、学生活动) 集体讨论记录 个人修改记录 Step IV 操练1.安排学生在硫化物小组内根据实际情况练习对话。老师说Do you know what your friends ‘ favorite sports are please work in groups of four.老师可根据提供帮助play badminton play basketball play table tennis Step V Comic strip 创设语境,向学生呈现新知识。老师说:Sports are good for us. But sometimes we are very busy and have no time. I think walking is also good.板书walking2. 老师接着说I like walking and I walk in the park many tines a week.板书time老师接着说If you have time, you can walk many times a day. You can walk in the morning ,you can walk after lunch or after supper. I think walking many times is good for you.老师接着问 Do you ;like walking Do you often walk to school Do you often go walk ... ...

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