

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:21次 大小:742049Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 七上英语优生读写单元强化训练Unit4 (附技巧点拨+答案详解) 主题 体裁 难度 词数 建议用时 实际用时 正确率 我的房间 说明文 ★★★★ 160 8分钟         /10   Hi, boys and girls. Do you want to know about me OK. Let me tell you something about myself(我自己). My  1  name is Sally. My last name is Brown. I  2  from the UK.  3  now I live in Canada(加拿大) with my parents.   I have a new room. I often clean(打扫) it, so it is very  4 . The window is very big. The  5  of the curtain(窗帘) is blue. There is a bed, a desk, a chair and a bookcase  6  my room. What’s on my desk Oh, it’s a  7 . Some English books are on it, too.  8  is my tape player It is in my bookcase. My father buys the tape player for  9 . Is my schoolbag on my chair No, it is on my bed. Some books, a pencil box and a dictionary are in my schoolbag.   I like my  10  very much. Do you like it (  )1.A.first B.family C.last D.full (  )2.A.be B.am C.is D.are (  )3.A.So B.And C.Or D.But (  )4.A.good B.tidy C.welcome D.new (  )5.A.name B.card C.color D.number (  )6.A.on B.in C.under D.for (  )7. A.sofa B.clock C.chair D.table (  )8.A.Where B.What C.How D.Who (  )9.A.it B.I C.me D.her (  )10.A.school B.room C.library D.classroom 主题 体裁 难度 词数 建议用时 实际用时 正确率 汤姆的卧室 说明文 ★★★ 124 5分钟         /5   This is a photo of my bedroom(卧室).It’s not big, but it’s very tidy. You can see a bed next to the wall(墙). There is a photo on the wall. There is a quilt and a baseball cap on my bed. There is a clock on the table. It’s my good friend. Every morning it can “sing” on time to wake me up. What’s under the chair It’s my favorite football. Do you want to play football with me My pens are in the pencil box on the desk. On the desk, you can also see some books. Where’s my schoolbag Oh, it’s on the floor. Do you know my name I’m Tom Brown. (  )1.Where is the clock A.On the table. B.On the chair. C.On the wall. D.On the bed. (  )2.What’s under the chair A.A schoolbag. B.A pencil box. C.A baseball cap. D.A football. (  )3.What can you see on the bed A.A quilt and a book. B.A quilt and a baseball cap. C.A football and a schoolbag. D.A pencil box and some books. (  )4.What does the underlined word(画线的单词) “floor” mean in Chinese A.沙发 B.床 C.地板 D.书架 (  )5.We can know    . A.Tom’s bedroom is big and tidy B.the clock is on the floor C.there isn’t a photo on the wall D.Tom likes playing football 词汇积累 next to 靠近;紧邻 sing v. 唱;唱歌 on time准时;按时 wake up 叫醒(某人);醒来 词汇活用 从“词汇积累”中选择合适的单词或短语并用其适当的形式填空。 1.Do you know the girl       Miss Wang 2.Jenny can       many English songs. 3.You must be there       . 4.Please       me       tomorrow. 主题 体裁 难度 词数 建议用时 实际用时 正确率 圣诞礼物 记叙文 ★★★★ 145 8分钟         /10   There is a Christmas tree(圣诞树) in our house. It’s ... ...

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