
2021-2022学年天津市部分区高二上学期期中练习英语试题有答案(扫描版含答案 无听力音频无文字材料)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:72次 大小:2841477Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    sold. The museums creator, Burry Levenson, loves mustard so much that he even puts it )55. Who is a pioneer in recycling paper on ice crea. A. Michael Carmichael B. Burry Levenson The Museum of Dirt Boston Mass C. Glenn Johnson D. Ellis stenman The museum is the idea of glenn Johnson. In the labeled(贴有标签的) glass bottles are such treasures as dirt from the great wall of China, as well as sand from a desert in It used to be that a"green classroom"referred to the color of paint on the wall. But Sandi Arabia and Omaha beach in France. Best of all, the cost of seeing this museum is today's green classrooms are greener than that! New"green"classrooms help schools save dirt cheap: Its free. Paper House money and provide clean environments where students learn better. Rockport, Mass. Many classrooms are going green by adding solar panels(太阳能电池板) to their root Swedish immigrant(EEl) Ellis Sten man was much ahead of his time in 1922, when he The solar panels collect energy from the sun and use it to power lights and computers. The started to build a two-room house almost completely out of newspaper. At the time, people didn't give much-if any- thought to recycling paper. In fact, "recycling"wasn't even a panels help make green classrooms grid-neutral, which means the panels create at least as word yet. The house is framed(以,…,做框架) with wood, but the walls are made of215 much electricity as the classrooms use. In addition, new lighting and air systems can be layers of newspaper. In all, he used about 100,000 newspapers. programmed to lower energy costs and water use. )51. What can the underlined word"offbeat "in the first paragraph best be replaced by Many new "green"classrooms are built using recycled materials. Some even use A Great B. Foreign C. Unusual D. Public )52. Which of the following can provide hands-on experience pieces of material from blue jeans to insulate(i pa #i )walls and roofs. The old-jean A. Worlds Largest Ball of Paint B. The Museum of Dirt insulation cuts heat and air conditioning bills. C Mount Horeb Mustard Museum D. Paper House Green schools feature many other new ideas. Some classrooms are painted using )53. What can we know about Barry Levenson special odor-free paints that help improve indoor air. Some use no glues that add chemical A. He loves ice cream especiall 吟 B. He started the mustard museum smells to the air. Others use triple- pane windows(三层玻璃窗 and skylights to help kee C. He shows his great love for hotdog. lassrooms warm in cold weather and let in lots of natural daylight D. He travels around the world to collect mustard Experts say the benefits of building greener classrooms go beyond cost savings. )54. What can you do in the Museum of Dirt A. Visit free of charge Studies show that a healthful environment with good air quality can cut colds and flu by B Play with sand more than 50 percent. That means fewer sick days for students and teachers. Studies have C. Collect glass bottles shown that nat ... ...

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