
Unit 3 Lesson 16 Warm and Cool课件(14张PPT,内嵌音视频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:21次 大小:3410711Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 16 Warm and Cool Unit 3 Feelings and Body 三年级上册 Warming up Warm or cool Self-study 1.你能够准确的读出下面这些单词吗? 2.请你准确的朗读句子。 cool warm stomach This is cool. shoulder finger knee That is warm. Warm or cool This is cold. This is cool. Ouch! That’s hot! This is warm. cool Let’s learn 凉爽的 绝妙的;酷的 cool /u:/ It’s cool in autumn. That’s cool. warm Let’s learn 温暖的 It’s warm today. warm cool Let’s do it! hot warm cool cold What is it stomach shoulder knee finger Let’s sing! Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes Head, shoul-ders, knees, toes, Knees, toes, knees, toes. Head, shoul-der, knees, toes, Eyes, ears, mouth, nose. Let’s practice ( )1.I can sit on my father’s . A. knee B. shoulders C. finger ( )2.It’s today. Let’s go to the park. A. warm B. cold C. black B A ( )3. The ice cream is . A. warm B. hot C. cool C Let’s practice ( )4. The fire is . A. hot B. cool C. cold A Summary warm 词汇: 句型: This is warm. cool stomach shoulder knee finger That is cool. Homework 1.理解、记忆单词和句型:warm, cool, stomach, shoulder, knee, finger. This is warm. That is cool. 2.跟读教材Warm or cool 和What is it 部分,并录制成视频或音频。 3.完成《Unit 2 Lesson 16 Warm and Cool》随堂检测。 Bye-bye

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