
Unit 3 Our animal friends 第3课时教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:25次 大小:948603Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3第3课时 (Cartoon time Sound time &Checkout time)教案 教学目标 1.复习巩固四会单词及日常交际用语:animal, arm, body, foot, leg, tail, wing。 …have…. It has… It can… 能用一般疑问句等来提问了解动物特征。 2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:crab,give,finger,rubber duck, sunny weather, carry an umbrella 3. 能正确朗读卡通并体会其幽默之处。 4. 能了解字母u在单词中的读音,即/ / 5. 会熟练朗读Rhyme time 6. 通过学习如何描述动物的特征,让学生了解动物,喜爱动物,更能够与动物交朋友,以此来保护动物朋友。 教学重点 1. 能正确朗读卡通并体会其幽默之处。 2. 能了解字母u在单词中的读音,即/ / 3. 能与他人交流动物朋友。 教学难点 1. 准确运用have与has表达相关话题。 2. 理解本单元Cartoon time。 3. 能初步了解并运用发音规律u/ /, 准确朗读相关的单词。 教学准备 学生准备 了解更多动物的特征,能简单描述。 教师准备 课件 Step 1 Daily report What day is it today? What’s the weather like today What’s the date today Do you have... Does it have... Step 2 Let’s review 朗读默写中错误多的词汇,归类给出Learning tip 可数名词单数前用准a/an 可数名词复数在词尾+s,注意变化规则和不规则变化。 否定句和疑问句中用and变成or Step 3 Sound time These words are about the bodies. Look at the rubber duck’s body. What does it have Can you describe it Let’s read. Let’s watch and say u / / Try to read the rhyme. Can you read the new words Step 4 Checkout time Look! Where is the rubber duck going He’s going to the farm. What’s on the farm Look an d say There’s/ There are... on the farm. It has/ They have... Step 5 Cartoon time 1. Look at Sam and Bobby. Do they have a new friend --crab 2. Watch and judge Their new friend has ten legs . ( ) Their new fiend has a big body . ( ) Their new friend bites ( 咬) Sam’ s finger. ( ) 3. Read and answer Q1:What does the crab have Q2:Is its body hard or soft Q3:What does Sam give the crab 4. Read 跟读 齐读 5.Q1 Why is Sam not happy at last Q2 Does Crab like Sam’s finger Why 6.Act 分角色读 表演或配音 Step 6 Think, guess and say 1. Read and guess I am rubber duck’s good friend. I’m small and black. I have a big body and a short tail. I can swim. --tadpole 2. Look and say 3. Read and act Act correctly准确地表演 Act correctly and fluently准确、流利地表演 Act with your emotions有感情地表演 Step 7 Draw and write (Checkout time) Step 8 Homework Copy the new words and phrases. Read and recite the Story time. Preview Fun time and Culture time . Introduce your animal friend. 板书设计: Unit 3 Our animal friends u / / This is my animal friend. It is… It has… It can….

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