

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:64次 大小:733179Byte 来源:二一课件通
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35. A. computer B. sofa c. bed chair 36. A. yellow B. black C. white D, blue 37a. of C. fo D. te 38. A. English B. Chinese C. music D. family 39. A. always B. there C. also D. too 40. A. name B. color C. number D. game Good morning! I'm Mike Brown. Mike is my_41 name. Brown is my last name. I'm an English boy. But now I'm in Xian, a nice city in China. ere are six people_42 my family--my grandparents, my parents, my sister and I My 43 are in Xi'an, too. They teach English in a middle school. But my sister 44 in England with my grandparents. My parents_45 I like China. _46_think it's great to live(E i)here I have a Chinese friend Wang Yan is 47 name. Here is a 48 of his room. Look! It is very tidy. His schoolbag is on the desk. a clock is on the 49 too Some books are in the bookcase 50 is his dog Cody Oh, it's under his chair. 41. A. family b. first C. last D. next 42.A.at B. on C D, Of 43A. sisters B. brothers C. parents D. grandparents 44.A. is B. am C. are D. be 45.A. and B. but C. or D. so 46.A. You B. We C. She He 47. A. my B. your C. his 48.A.number B. map photo DDD 49A. bookcase B. desk C. chair e 50.A. Who B. How C. what D. Where 第三部分阒读理解(共两大题,满分45分 Ⅶ.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余的选项。 David: Good afternoon, Jenny Jenny:51 David: What's this Jenny:_52 David a picture Let me have a look._53 Jenny y sister. David is this girl your sister, too

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