
人教PEP英语六年级下册 Recycle Mike's happy days Day 8 A farewell party(优课)课件+素材(33张PPT 含flash素材)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:30次 大小:44550019Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2 0 2 2 人教PEP英语精选课件 六年级下册 Recycle PEP·六年级下册 Day 8 A farewell party The eighth period Quick review Review the words for food and drinks. What kind of party is it It’s a farewell party. What can you see in the farewell party brown bread cheese cake fresh fruit milk orange juice tea bags chocolates plates knives forks English books maths books pink party hats prizes paints balloons ping-pong balls clock Look and match. What kinds of things do we need to prepare for a party fruit food decorations drinks tableware farewell party Let’s draw a mind map. Group the words. Can you write more cl pl br fr ch sh th ng nk clock plates brown bread fresh fruit cheese English chocolates maths ping- pong pink a-e i-e ar or ee ea ai ow oo cake face name ice rice like art car care for fork horse see feet meet eat tea meat rain mail wait snow slow grow food room zoo Arrange a farewell party. (1) Before the party. We need to prepare food, drinks, fruit, tableware, decorations ... (2) During the party. When you go to a party, will you arrive early, on time or late What activities can you do during the party (3) After the party. 点击画面播放视频 Let’s chant. Learn the chant The party is on Friday. It’s time to say goodbye. We won’t sing any sad songs, And we’ll have lots of fun. The party is on Friday. We’ll dance and sing and play. Don’t be late for the party. We’ll have a happy, happy day. Good luck! Write soon. Take care. Have a good trip! Keep in touch. ... Ways to say goodbye Write soon. Have a good trip! Good luck! Keep in touch. Take care. Think and write. If today is the day to say goodbye, what do you want to say to your friends and classmates Write it down on a piece of paper. Then share it with us. Make a party plan. Work in groups and discuss. Make a party plan. Then share your plans. Let’s see which group will get the best arrangement for the party. Name of the party When Where Who What to buy Consolidation & Extension Watch and answer. What is the good news What is the bad news What does Zoom ask Zip to promise to do Story time What is the good news What is the bad news Zip’s father has a new job in America. Zip is going away for a long time. He is going to America in a new middle school in Grade 7. Check the answers. 3. What does Zoom ask Zip to promise to do Zoom asks Zip to promise to write to him. Zip: I have some good news and some bad news. Zoom: What is it Zip: I’m going away for a long time. Zoom: I’m sorry to hear that. 离开 Zoom: Where are you going Zip: America. My father has a new job there. Zoom: That is good news for your father. It’s sad news for me. Zip: Me too. Zoom: Are you going to a new school Zip: I’m going to a new middle school. I’ll be in Grade 7. Zoom: Will you promise to write to me Zip: Of course. Zoom: Take care. Zip: Take care. 许诺 Read the story after the recording correctly, fluently and emotionally, then act out. Recycle Blac ... ...

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