
河南省新乡市辉县老一中2021--2022学年九年级上学期期中英语试卷(含答案 无听力试题)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:75次 大小:84992Byte 来源:二一课件通
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二、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共计40分) 阅读下面四篇阅读材料,然后按要求做题。 A Tell us your interests. We ll find you great books, Library cards are free to everyone. They allow you to borrow books, magazines, CDS and DVDS from the library. They also allow you to use the computers at the library. Click here to apply for(申请) a card Tell us as soon as possible if your card is lost or stolen You must receive a card or renew an expired(到期的) card yourself. Library cards expire after four years. Cards for kids and teens The signature(签名)of a parent is required for children aged 13 and under.The parent must also provide a photo ID. Teens aged 14 to 17 use the same process. However, teens who already have their own photo ID can apply without a parents signature. Borrowing materials A library card allows you to borrow 25 things at most each time. You can keep each of them for no more than 60 days,You will have to pay an overdue fine(滞纳金) for things not returned within 60days. For books and magazines: $1 each per day For CDS and DVDS: $2 each per day. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Which of the following cannot be borrowed from the library A. CDS B. DVDS C. Computers. D. Magazines 22. Andrew should_ if someone steals his library card. A.use his photo ID B. tell the library at once C. visit the library in person D.tell his parents about it 23. Children aged 10 should provide to apply for a library card. A. their home addresses B. their favorite books C. their parents signatures D. their parents 'phone numbers 24. How much should Jack pay if he keeps a DVD from the library for 70 days A.$20 B.$40 C.$60 D.$80 25. What can we learn from the reading? A Readers need to pay for a library card. B. Readers need to renew the card every year. C .A library card will be of no use in three years. D. 25 books can be borrowed from the library at a time. CBCAD B Hi James, How are you doing Hope you're OK! Well, here I am living in northern Canada with the Inuit people. You know that I've been wanting to do this for years, and my dream has finally come true. Nothing could be more wonderful than living here. I got here half a month ago and met a nice family. I have already done something amazing sleeping in an igloo (house made of hard snow)and watching the Inuit people go hunting(打猎). The way they hunt is very interesting. They first make a hole in the ice and hope that a seal (海豹) will appear soon. I went hunting with my host dad a couple of days ago. He showed me how to make a hole and then we stood for six hours in the freezing cold waiting for a seal to appear. The most difficult thing to deal with, of course, was the cold. And even worse, the seal never came. I got so upset. But later I thought, "Hey, the Inuit people do this every day, sometimes waiting for ten hours. Sometimes they catch a seal, and sometimes they don't. What amazes me most about them is their patience, and my own patience is getting much better! Wel ... ...

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