
Unit 5 There is a big bed PB Read and write 公开课课件

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:55次 大小:3923063Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Read and write Find the differences (找不同) Picture A: Picture B: There is//are _____ …. There is a clock on the desk in picture A. There is a clock on the bed in picture B. Find the differences (找不同) Picture A: Picture B: There is//are _____ …. There is a clock above the desk in picture A. There is a picture above the desk in picture B. Find the differences (找不同) Picture A: Picture B: There is//are _____ …. There is a plant in picture A. There are two plants in picture B. Find the differences (找不同) Picture A: Picture B: There is//are _____ …. There is a football between the sofas in picture A. There is a football beside the sofa in picture B. 看看下面小朋友写的句子对不对,如果不对,怎么改? There is water bottle behind the table. there is a clock above the table. There are two plant beside the table. There a cat in front of the table. a T s is Mr Jones is writing an _____. e-mail Read and write So the e-mail is from _____. The e-mail is to _____. Skim and find 快速浏览短文,找答案 写信的日期 Mr Jones has just moved into a house. 1. Is the house new 2. Are the rooms clean Read and find (读短文,找出答案) moved 1. Is the house new 2. Are the rooms clean No, it isn’t. It’s _____. No, they aren’t. They are _____. old dirty 搬迁 刚刚 The rooms are dirty. Read and tick (读课文,打√) 哪个房间是Mr Jones的房间? dirty pencils and crayons on the floor Pictures and photos everywhere a mouse behind the computer old Read and tick (读课文,打√) 哪个房间是Mr Jones的房间? √ Read and answer 细读短文,回答问题 1. Where are the pencils and crayons They are _____. on the floor 2. 到处 What does “everywhere” mean Read and find 再读课文,找一找 Mr Jones’ intention of writing the e-mail (Mr Jones写这封邮件的目的) 自然公园 请尽快! I see a mouse behind my computer. Help! Please help me. Hurry! Hurry! Please hurry! Read and write 点此课文超链接 Read after it 课文跟读 1.Mr .Jones is a music teacher.( ) 2.Mr.Jones moved into a new house.( ) 3.There are photos and pictures everywhere.( ) 4.There is a mouse on the computer.( ) 5.Mr.Jones lives near the nature park.( ) √ × × × √ Fill in the blank 写三个关于你自己房间的句子 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php

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