
Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is shining课件+素材(39张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:52次 大小:58370314Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2 0 2 2 外研版(三起)英语精选课件 六年级下册 Unit 1 The sun is shining. Module 3 外研·六年级下册 v.(动词)哭 词汇详解 【发音】y 发 【第三人称单数形式】cries 【动词-ing形式】crying 【过去式】cried 【形近词】try 试,尝试 dry 干的 【例句】My brother is crying. 我弟弟正在哭。 【对比记忆】 cry哭 laugh笑 【发音】y 发 【用法】当其作主语时,后面的动词要用第三人称 单数形式。 【例句】Everyone is in the classroom. 每个人都在教室里。 【联想】everything 所有事情 【加法记忆】 pron.(代词) 人人,每人;大家 词汇详解 every + one 每个,每一 一 everyone 人人,每人;大家 【发音】i 发 【第三人称单数形式】shines 【动词-ing形式】shining 【过去式】shined/shone 【例句】The sun is shining in the sky. 太阳正在天空中照耀着。 【谱系记忆】 v.(动词) (太阳)发光, 照耀 -ine shine(太阳)发光,照耀fine 健康 nine 九 line 线,绳,金属丝 词汇详解 【反义短语】fly back 飞回来 【例句】Look! The birds are flying away. 看!那些鸟飞走了。 【归类记忆】 fly away 飞走 go away 走开 run away 逃离 飞走 词汇详解 【发音】u 发 【例句】Just look at the bird. 且请看看这只鸟。 【其他词义】刚才,方才;正好;只是 adv.(副词) 就,且请 词汇详解 flying Look at the bird. It’s... Look at the fish. It’s... swimming Look at the baby. He’s ... crying cry 哭 cross crayon crazy Listen and chant. Look at the naughty bird. It’s flying. Look at the little dog. It’s crying. 邮件发送中... Daming is sending some photos to Lingling. Watch the video and finish the following tasks. 请同学们自读活动一里的这封信,边读边找出不认识的单词。 3分钟后,比一比谁能跟着录音读得最好! 要求:1 不会读的单词问老师或同桌; 2 坐姿端正。 Task 1 Listen and read. Dear Lingling, How are you I had a very interesting day on Saturday. We had a picnic in the park. I am sending you some photos. I miss everyone in China. Please write to me soon. Love, Daming everyone 人人,每人;大家 Task 2 Read and answer. Who wrote this letter Did Daming have a funny day on Saturday Yes, he did. Daming. What did they do What is he sending How many photos does Daming send They had a picnic. He is sending some photos. Three. 请同学们认真看以下三幅图片和图下的英语表达,找出含有“ing”的句子并划下来,重点读你划的句子。 比一比谁能读得最流利! Task 3 Look at these photos! 含有“ing”的句子: In this photo, the sun is shining. The birds are singing in the tree. We are looking at some ducks. In this photo, it’s starting to rain and the birds are flying away. The ducks are eating our sandwiches! shine sing look start eat 发光,照耀 fly In this photo, the sun is shining. The birds are singing in the tree. They are looking at some ducks. They look hungry. What’s the weather like What are the birds doing What are they doing Look and answer: In this photo, it’s starting to rain and the birds are flying away. What’s the weather like What are the birds doing fly away 飞走 And just look at this! The ducks are eating our sandwiches! What are the ducks doing just 就,且请 Listen and say. In this pho ... ...

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