
小学同步实用趣味英语读和练系列3 专题4 交通工具(含答案,通用版)

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:82次 大小:1893888Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题4 交通工具 交际用语。交通工具。交通方式。形容词和副词最高级。 了解常用交通工具,掌握交通工具词汇。掌握交通方式的表达,介绍常见交通方式的特点。询问或介绍他人上学、出行所选的交通工具。询问和回答有关交通和出行的问题。为假期家庭出游写一个出行计划。 通过听、说、读、玩、做等活动,培养观察、辨别和合作交流能力。敢于开口,积极参与,乐于模仿和表达,提高英语口语交际能力。激发学习热情和兴趣,树立学习信心,培养自主学习的意识和思维能力,提高英语综合运用能力。遵守交通规则,安全出行。 出行安全 “高高兴兴上学,平平安安回家。”这是学校、家长和我们自己的共同愿望。作为学生,我们每天往返于学校和家庭之间,不管步行也好,骑自行车也好, 还是乘车也好,都要注意安全。怎样才能保障自己的出行安全呢? ●走人行道时,靠右侧行走。 ●过马路时,左右看,红灯停,绿灯行。 ●不乱跑,不随意横穿马路。 ●不在马路上追逐打闹,不攀爬栏杆。 ●12岁以下儿童不要骑自行车。 ●骑自行车时要靠右走,要观察前方的人和自行车。 ●走自行车道,不平行骑自行车,不逆行。 ●车速不能过快,更不能单手或双手离把。 ●不要打伞骑自行车。 ●不要听歌骑自行车。 ●自行车后座不能载人,骑车拐弯时要伸手示意。 ●乘车时,等车停稳先下后上。 ●坐车时不要把身体的任何部分伸出窗外,也不要向车外乱扔东西。 ●在乡村道路上,不要乘坐无牌无证的农用车、三轮车或严重超员的机动车。 ●在道路上遇到突发事件,要立即向附近的警察或行人求助。 ●遇到交通事故,拨打110或122报警电话. ●如果自己和同伴被车撞倒,要记下撞人车辆的车牌号和车身颜色。 祝大家出行安全,学习进步! Car, car, a car run a bit faster. Train, train, a train run much faster. Plane, plane, a plane flies fastest. Which is slower, a car or a train A car is slower than a train. Which is slower, a train or a plane A train is slower than a plane. Which is slowest, a car, a train or a plane A car is the slowest. Which is fastest, a car, a train or a plane A plane is the fastest. The wheels are rustling. The bell is jingling. I’m going to school by my bike. Beautiful morning, beautiful morning. Fly, fly, fly. I’m flying like a small bird. The sun is shining on the road. Jingling, jingling, jingling. How happy I am! Jingling, jingling, jingling. How happy I am! ★Nobody was late, except me. ★Maybe I should go to school by taxi. ★What about going by bike ★How does Tony go to school ★He lives the farthest from school, so he takes the underground. ★Her home is the closest to school, so she walks. ★He goes by bus too, the same as me. ★What is the best way to travel from London to Amsterdam. ★How long does the journey take ★It takes you about twelve hours to get there. ★It will not cost as much as going by train. ★It is the fastest and the second cheapest. Maomao: Hello, Tiantian. How does your brother go to school Tiantian: Our home is not far from his school. It's only two kilometers. So he goes to school by bike. Maomao: Oh. It’s the most popular way now. More and more students in our class ride to school, too. Tiantian: Yes, I think so. How do you go to school Maomao: My home is far from school, so I take a bus. It usually takes me about 25 minutes t ... ...

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