
小学同步实用趣味英语读和练系列4 专题3 太空旅行(含答案,通用版)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:79次 大小:2793472Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题3 太空旅行 交际用语。太空旅行。探索宇宙。航天。现在完成时。just、yet、already。 介绍人类对太空的探索经历,读懂有关太空话题的短文。了解一些航天知识和空间站的生活情况,以及九大行星的基本情况和适合人类生存的基本条件等。写一个关于太空旅行的海报。 通过学习,激发学习英语的兴趣,树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯,发挥自主学习的能力和合作精神。培养观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神。相互帮助,增进同学间的友谊,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣。懂得科技发展的重要性,增强民族意识和自豪感。 神舟飞船———Shenzhou Spaceship 探索太空,人类永不止步! 宇宙飞船又称载人飞船,英语名:spaceship。 宇宙飞船是一种运送航天员和货物到达太空并 安全返回的航天器。 神舟飞船是中国自行研制,具有完全自主知 识产权,达到或优于国际第Ⅲ代载人飞船技术的 飞船。神舟系列飞船的发射基地在酒泉卫星发射 中心,回收地点在内蒙古中部的四子王旗航天着陆场。 神舟飞船设计上为三舱一段式结构:轨道舱、返回舱、推进舱和附加段。轨道舱呈圆柱形,空间比返回舱更大,航天员除了升空和返回时,其他时间都在轨道舱内生活和工作。返回舱呈钟形结构,是飞船的控制中心,也是航天员再入返回的座舱。由于体积紧凑,现有技术下可以做到比航天飞机高得多的整体结构强度,使航天员再入时有更高的安全系数。推进舱又称动力舱或服务舱,呈圆柱形,用于安装推进系统发动机和推进剂,飞船的电源、通信以及生命保证系统和环境控制,所有神舟飞船推进舱外都有太阳翼,用于提供电力供应。附加段也叫过渡段,是为将来与另一艘飞船或空间站交会对接做准备用的。在载人飞行及交会对接前,它也可以安装各种仪器用于空间探测。 Have you heard of a spaceship Yes, I have. Have you seen a spaceship Yes, I have. Where did you see I saw a spaceship on TV. Have you made a model spaceship No, I haven’t. Have you made a model spaceship yet No, I haven’t. Have you been to space in a spaceship No, I haven’t. Hey hey hey I’m flying into space in a spaceship. I’m flying to the moon in a spaceship. I’m flying to Mars in a spaceship. Hey hey hey I’m flying into space in a spaceship. I’m flying to the moon in a spaceship. I’m flying to Mars in a spaceship. ★What are you up to ★I’ve just made a model spaceship for our school project. ★I haven’t started yet because I’m not sure how to make it. ★Have you heard the latest news ★Has it arrived yet Yes, it has arrived already. ★That’s why it’s on the news. ★Have they discovered life on the Mars No, they haven’t yet. ★Astronauts have already been to the moon. ★Scientists think that there has been life on the earth. ★Have there been visitors to the earth from other planets ★Why has no one communicated with us A: Henry, I have good news to tell you. B: What good news A: Our country has successfully launched Shenzhou-11. A: Really When was it launched B: It’s half past seven this morning. A: Where was it launched B: At the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. A: Who are the astronauts B: Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong. Shenzhou-11 has already carried them into space. A: When will Shenzhou-11 return to the ground B: On November18th. A: Oh. I hope I’ll go into space one day like Jin ... ...

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