
牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good-Welcome & Reading 1 课件(19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:7904876Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 4 Looking good,feeling good Section A Welcome to the unit & Reading The love for beauty is part of human nature Lead in Compare the two pictures, which figure(身材) do you prefer What’s the problem of the man What do you think he needs to do Lose Weight You can make it ! overweight Brainstorming Lose Weight Less junk food Do more exercise Weight-loss pills Skip meals Have plastic surgery If you are overweight, what will you do Activity 1 prediction Teen faints after skipping meals A teenager faints because of skipping meals. Who What Why Ⅰ 阅读理解 1.Why was Jennifer Jones rushed to hospital A. She fainted suddenly. B. She didn’t have breakfast. C. She hurt herself in PE lesson. D. She suffered from low blood pressure. 2. Which of the following does the recent survey show A. One in ten teenagers skip breakfast. B. Ten per cent of teenagers over-exercise. C. Fifty per cent of teenagers regularly skip meals. D. One in four teenagers take weight-loss medicine. ○ ○ 3. Which of the following may the female expert in the passage disagree with A.Teenagers need a healthy diet. B. Teenagers mustn’t lose weight. C. The so-called“quick-fix methods”are harmful to teenagers. D. Teenagers should get plenty of exercise to stay energetic and t. 4. What kind of writing is the passage A.Science ction. B. A medical report. C. A news report. D. Popular science. ○ ○ Who When Why Task Ⅰ Scanning Where What a teenager yesterday morning Stonechester High School skip her meals Para.1-3 fainted Jennifer Jones more details about the event How out of danger, recover soon Read Para.4 and answer the following questions. 1. Who are interviewed in this news report 2. What did they say “she has struggled with _____ for a long time”. classmates Laura Williams “She has not eaten _____ for the last few months. I warned her that skipping meals was_____, but she _____. eating problems breakfast unhealthy wouldn't listen” Activity 2 Activity 3 Listen to the recording of Para.5 to grasp the author’s opinions. The author’ s opinion 1. What does the author think of Jennifer's case This event is a reminder of the dangers of the unhealthy weight-loss habits that have become common among teenagers of both sexes. 2. What are some of the extreme methods teenagers use to lose weight Skipping meals, over-exercising and taking weight-loss medicine Activity 4 Read Para 6-7 and find out what lifestyle tips the expert give ① It is important to _____. ② What’s more, they should _____ _____ Tips for teenagers from an expert have a healthy balanced diet keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay energetic and fit Activity 6 Deep thinking In a society where being thin is often seen as being beautiful, teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly. What can we infer from this sentence Standards(标准)of beauty in the society can have a big influence on teenagers, and sometimes, teenag ... ...

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