
Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 25-26 课件(63张PPT,内嵌音视频)+导学单+课堂练习(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:30次 大小:39110998Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Book 7 Unit 5 Lesson 25-26 一、阅读课文,根据所给词汇补全信息卡。 二、根据图片内容,将下列月份与相对应的节日相连。 What festival is in e FEB APR MAR 震风 明节 en is 欢度六 The army d 置节 建军节 CAUG L JAN(课件网) 六年级 英语 Unit 5 Lesson 25-26 1.你将知道: 有关七月和八月的表达及其节日与活动;序数词seventh和eighth的表达和含义;字母组合ou在单词中的读音。 2.你将理解: 一定要热爱党,热爱祖国,向身边的党员学习,培养为他人服务的意识;应该致敬中国军人,感谢他们为祖国的奉献,增强民族自豪感。 3.你将能够: 说出表达七、八月份次序的句子;进一步辨认序数词和基数词,并能够正确地应用序数词表达次序和日期。 学习目标 Let's get ready. 一、导入 Wang Lin a student Wang Lin's father a soldier Wang Lin's mother a teacher 二、教学过程 Look at my mum! She's a Party member. 党员 party: 党派 the Communist Party of China 中国共产党 (CPC) C P C Party member Look at my mum! She's a Party member. Party member 党员 party: 党派 the Communist Party of China [ k mju nist] 共产党的 Q1: When was the Party founded 成立 It was founded in 1921. count out found founded Q2: When is the Party's birthday July is the seventh month of the year. Let's read and answer. July 1st is the birthday of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Let's read and answer. Party members celebrate the day when it was founded. Let's read and answer. Q2: When is the Party's birthday The Party's birthday is on July 1st. [d u'la ] June fly July Let's answer. J July is the month of the year. June is the sixth month of the year. seventh 第七个月份 第七 th When is the Party's birthday July 1st is the birthday of the Communist Party of China (CPC). July the first Party members celebrate the day when it was founded. 党员们庆祝建党日。 There are many Party members around us. They always help us at work. We should learn from them. We should thank them. Let's watch! 资料 How great the Party is! We love the Party! We love China! Wang Lin's father a soldier He is a PLA soldier. PLA: People's Liberation Army [ lib rei ( )n] 解放 [ ɑ mi] 军队 人民解放军 Q3: What festival is for the PLA soldiers The People's Liberation Army Day. The Army Day. Q4: When is the Army Day The Army Day is on August 1st. August [ :g st] 八月 is the eighth month of the year. A There are eight PLA soldiers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the eighth soldier [e tθ] 第八 第八名士兵 the eighth month 第八个月份 The People's Liberation Army Day is on August 1st. August the first August is of the year. In August, school is out. Students have their summer holidays. go on trips go camping have summer classes There're tall trees around. They stand on the ground. Nobody else can be found. Let's listen to the sound. 找到 声音 在周围 地面 Let's chant. There're tall trees around. They stand on the ground. Nobody else can be found. Let's listen to the sound. 找到 声音 在周围 地面 ou [au] 在周围 地面 三、反馈与评价 Information Card July August Let's read and write. July 1st the Party's birthday Army Day the seventh month summer ... ...

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