
鲁教五四制七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show? 测试卷(含答案及听力材料无听力音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:39次 大小:665756Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 测试 一、完形填空(每小题1. 5分, 共15分) Do you like watching cartoon movies The Road Chip _____1! In the movie, the world's cutest animal pop stars Alvin, Simon and Theodore are back! In the first three _____2, the three chipmunks moved from the forest to the city. They met a songwriter called Dave. Dave _____3 their best friend and lived with them. But now, there might be some _____4. The chipmunks _____5 that Dave is going to marry his girlfriend Samantha. They are _____6 that Dave will leave them if he makes a new family. They have three days to arrive where he is and stop Dave's _____7, saving themselves not only from losing Dave but possibly _____8 gaining a terrible brother in law. On the way, they set zoo animals free on a plane. They _____9 at a concert and many people cheer for them. Will the chipmunks do it in the end You can find the _____10 only in the movie. Go and see it. 1. A. arrived in B. came out C. ran out D. left for 2. A. books B. classes C. movies D. parties 3. A. lost B. met C. made D. became 4. A. interests B. changes C. ways D. reasons 5. A. see B. find C. agree D. hear 6. A. lucky B. excited C. afraid D. thankful 7. A. job B. success C. decision D. news 8. A. from B. with C. for D. in 9. A. sing B. play C. cheer D. work  10. A. role B. answer C. word D. story 二、阅读理解(每小题3分, 共30分) A Let's Enjoy a Movie! Zootopia From a large elephant to a small mouse, animals live happily together in Disney's Zootopia. Language: EnglishRunning Time: 1 Hour and 30 MinutesPrice: Weekdays — $40 $20 (kids under 6)Weekends — $50 $25 (kids under 6) The movie is so interesting. There are 64 kinds of animals in it. After watching the movie, I learned more about animals. I would recommend this movie to those animal lovers. — John I have seen many cartoons of this kind, but the plots (情节) are surprisingly funny and I love the sweet voice in it. My brother and I just couldn't help laughing from the beginning to the end. — David This movie is so well made. I went to see it with my 5 year old son last Sunday afternoon. I love the beautiful music while my son loves the rabbit police officer, Judy very much. — Nancy 11. The poster shows that _____ is spoken in the movie. A. English B. French C. Japanese D. Chinese 12. What does the underlined word “recommend” mean A. 租赁 B. 邮寄 C. 出售 D. 推荐 13. David likes this movie because of _____. A. the 64 kinds of animals B. the funny plots and the sweet voice C. the low price D. the beautiful music 14. It cost Nancy and her son _____ to watch the movie last Sunday. A. $60 B. $75 C. $80 D. $100 15. What does Judy do in the movie A. A teacher. B. A nurse. C. A police officer. D. A writer. B Little Tom likes cartoons very much. When the cartoons begin on TV, he does nothing until they're over. Sometimes he'd rather(宁可)wait for a long time and go to bed late. In the morning his mother has to wake him up, or he'll be late for school. Yesterday Tom heard there would be an interesting ... ...

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