
外研版英语必修五Module2 A Job Worth Doing基础演练

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:86次 大小:1677824Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Book 5 Module 2 Module2 A Job Worth Doing基础演练篇 阅读导学 预习课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 答案:1.highest 2.going 3.Although/Though/While 4.weeks 5.However  6.has decreased 7 .to take 8.with 9.smoothly 10.having chosen /choosing 主题导读 (与本单元话题相关的时新阅读文章,设两个问答题) 【主旨精点】在洛杉矶南部一个少数民族 社区,志愿者在最近的一个周日聚集起来一起美化校园。这个社区很穷,但当地民众,这里的孩子们和来自其他社区的人们都前来出一份力,并乐于其中,最终他们感悟到:志愿工作是最值得做的工作。【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 In the heart o f Watts, a minority neighborhood in south Los Angeles, volunteers gathered on a recent Sunday to beautify an elementary school.【出处:21教育名师】 There is pov erty in this neighborhood but local residents and kids and those from other neighborhoods pitch in( 出一份力).There are challenges definitely, but the teachers work really hard you know, to help their kids out and do as much as they can,and as a result, the kids are amazing . At Lovelia Flournoy Elementary School, they are planting flowers and bushes,creating a teachers' resting rooms and collecting food for local families with the adults leading by example.The kids are enjoying it and having fun,working side by side with new-found friends.Make sure that the kids understand hard work and that making the campus beautiful is not only just for them but for the next generation. More than 2,000 ev ents like this are held each year by the organization Big Sunday.People think it is a community service organization, but it isn’t, it is a community building organization. Their mission is to connect people through doing voluntary work. This gives them an opportunity to widen their experience and knowledge of different people and different lifestyles or find shared interests. We live in very divisi ve(有分歧的) and stressful times. But I think when we turn off the TV and the internet, and put down the newspaper for a minute, most people want to focus on what we share,what we have in common, and how we can make our world a better place together. Getting involved, hel ping and making the community a better place are the jobs best worth doing. http://www./Article/201905/586495.shtml ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com" \o "欢迎登陆21世纪教育网 ) 【问题探究】 1. Why does Big Sunday hold so many events each year _____ 2. What is the main sentence of the text _____ 答案: 1. To connect people through doing voluntary work . 2. Getting involved , helping and making the community a better place are the jobs best worth doing. (六个单词、两个短语)每单词设2题 重点单词 1. satisfying 考查热度★★★★ 【热点品味】satisfying adj.令人满意的 【实例品读】 (2016·浙江高考)In other words, gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority.换句话说,闲话对人有满足感,因为它给了人们一种归属感甚至优越感。【版权所有:21教育】 The highest l evels of happiness are found with the most stable an ... ...

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