
新版-牛津译林版 六年级上册 Project 2 Recycle and reuse Period 1 教案

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:53次 大小:19577Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Project 2 Recycle and reuse (period 1)教学设计 一、教学目标 1.知识目标: ①复习夯实巩固已学环保类知识,学生能熟练使用情态动词。 ②学生能结合3R环保理念,了解保护地球的途径及方法。 2能力目标: 学生能简单区分reuse的物品以及 recycle的物品并连贯地表述。 拓展reuse, recycle和reduce,学生能够理解并运用3R原则。 学生能用充分利用身边的物品做手工,培养其动手能力 3情感目标: 激起学生保护地球资源的共鸣。 培养学生热爱地球家园的情感。 培养学生相互合作学习的意识。 二、教学重点: 1学生了解保护地球的途径及方法,并能用英语给出评价; 2在复习巩固中理解并运用3R原则,并能用来组织各种实践活动。 三、教学过程 Before class Yesterday you did some homework. Some of you did good job. Let’s watch a video. 微视频展示学生课前用废弃料制作好的手工作品.(设计意图:通过学生课前制作的这些手工制作品,培养学生动手能力的同时也培养了他们的创造力,又传递了生活中我们也可以“变废品为艺术品”的环保理念。)You have many creative ideas. Big hands for these boys and girls. (一). Warming up Greetings Free talk I’m very happy today. Do you know why Guess. (突出以学生为主体,学生思考问我) Yes, I meet some old friends. .Learn about 3R T: Today, I bring an animal friend, Pinch, a pack rat.一只收纳鼠。(板书图片) He’s not happy. Why Let’s listen. Pinch: Hello, boys and girls. I'm Pinch. I like keeping everything. I keep old magazines, clothes, toy cars, boats, tools and books and games... So, my house is.... T: What do you think of Pinch’s house S1: Pinch’s house is messy and dirty(设计意图:通过听和看的方式让学生有一个直观印象谈感受) 3R--reuse T:Let’s go on listening. Pinch: Too many things make my house messy and dirty, how can I do Can you help me T: What can Pinch do with those things (设计意图:通过Pinch 家又脏又乱的画面引发学生的深度思考,各抒己见,以最终老师引入如何变废为宝。) S: … T: The best way is to reuse them, do you think so S: Yes! T:What does Pinch say this time Listen. Pinch: Thank you, my friend, but what does ”reuse” mean T: what does ”reuse” mean (板书课题reuse) S: It means we can use the thing again. T: What can we reuse Now talk in groups and then write them down on P88. Go. T: Ok, what can we reuse S1: We can reuse old newspapers S2: We can reuse old clothes. S3: We can reuse... (ppt一起呈现) T: Look, I can reuse the cap of the pen to make a hair pin, is it cool ( 师边说边用学生的钢笔套变成发夹) T: You did handwork yesterday, right Now share your handwork in groups first, You can talk like this… Go! T: Who wants to show it in the front.(先小组内介绍,然后选一名代表到台前展示) S:… T:You all have many great ideas. Big hands. 3R--recycle T:What does Pinch say this time Listen. Pinch: I’m going to Tag Sale. My friends come to help me, but they don’t know how to sort them, can you help me T: Do you know Tag Sale Let me show you (图片呈现)What is Tag sale Yes, 跳蚤市场. T: Before Pinch go to Tag Sale, Let’s help him sort the things first. Look, people can reuse plastic bottles to make a vase. And they can change them into the bench, do you believe it T: ... ...

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