
Unit 8 Unit 8 She wears a white and black sweater 课件+素材(3个课时 含flash素材)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:99次 大小:25819236Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2021年秋湘少版英语 四年级上册英语精品课件 湘少版·四年级上册 Unit 8 She wears a white and black sweater Period 2 教学目标 (一)语言目标 1.词汇:能听懂、会说、认读 brown,grey,shoes, socks, sweater,skit,dancer,进一步熟悉以上单词;能区别“dress” 和“skirt”。 2.句型:能熟练运用“He/ She wears...”描述他人着装;能联系天气给出着装议:“Here's ...for you.”。 (二)应用目标 1. 能在2-3种游戏情境中描述或建议着装。 2. 能借助插图阅读和理解课文D部分的小故事。 3. 能借助头饰,给flash中课文D部分的角色配音。 教学目标 1.天气播报员 Lead in 例: This is my mother. She wears a yellow and red dress. She wears a pair of black shoes. 2.服装设计师 展示家庭作业,上台介绍 Let's act She wears a brown and yellow sweater. He wears a white and grey sweater. Presentation 时装秀 例: S1:Look at me . I am a doctor. I wear a white coat. S2: Hello, I am a policeman. Look at my hat. It's nice. S3: What am I I am a pupil. I have a pink and red school bag. I wear a yellow sweater. Let's go to school! Let's read 1. Listen and say.听一听,说一说。 What does Dino wear 2. Listen and repeat.听并且跟读。 3. Act out.表演故事。 I'm cold. Where's my yellow and blue scarf I'm cold,too. Ok. Here's a red and gree scarf for you. Wow, It's warm. Thank you, Tim! 1. Guess and say. What's this Can you guess Games 2. 金点子大王 Homework one two 听录音,朗读课文。 描述父母的服饰。 https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php(课件网) 2021年秋湘少版英语 四年级上册英语精品课件 湘少版·四年级上册 Unit 8 She wears a white and black sweater Period 3 教学目标 (一)语言目标 1.语音:操练字母Uu在单词中的发音。 2.词汇:巩固B部分的单词;能读懂E部分的单词“friend”。 3.句型:熟练运用“He/ She wears...”描述他人的服饰;能正确书写句型:“ She wears a white and black sweater.”。 4.篇章:能读懂E部分的文章,并能独立完成E部分练习。 (二)应用目标 1.能了解字母Uu在单词中的发音。 2.能初步运用本单元的单词和重点句型描述自己或他人的服饰。 教学目标 Free talk: What do you wear Lead in Play a game. Who is he/she She is my friend. 1.Listen and answer.整体感知课文。 How many friends does Lily have What are their names Jane Amy Nancy Presentation Let's Read and Write 2.Read and finish.读一读,完成表格。 clothes Favourite colour Amy a red and white dress red and white Jane Nancy a blue and white sweater blue a green and white skirt green 4. Read and write.读一读,写一写。 Lily has three good friends, Amy, Jane and Nancy. Amy wears a red and white dress. She likes red and white. Jane wears a blue and white sweater. She likes blue. Nancy wears a green and white skirt. She likes green. Jane Amy Nancy Let's chant 1. Read.读一读。 Uu 发音要诀: 发音时,舌尖轻触下齿,舌头后部稍抬起,舌头处于低平状态,唇形稍扁,开口度较大。为短元音,短促有力,瘦小腹。 / / rub dub tub up 2. Listen and repeat.听并且跟读。 3. Chant.读儿歌。 / / Rub-a-dub-dub, Three mice in a tub. Rowing up a river, Rowing up, up, up. Uu Let's have fun 1. Do ... ...

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