
Unit 1 Lesson 3 Let's play 教案

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:11次 大小:48465Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 3:Let's Play! Lesson 3:Let's Play! 1.掌握四会单词:basketball,try,heavy,difficult,easy,hand。 2.灵活运用句子:The ball is heavy! The ping pong ball is light. I'm throwing the basketball. Are you ready to learn to play basketball This is too difficult! I am hitting the ball to Jenny. 3.能利用所学词汇和句子表演本课对话,并运用于打篮球和乒乓球的活动中。 4.培养学生对两种球类的喜爱之情。 重点:听、说、读、写四会单词:basketball,try,heavy,difficult,easy,hand。 难点:灵活运用本课所学词汇和句子。 Step 1 热身(Warm up) Greetings: T:Morning! Ss:Morning! T:How's the weather today Ss:It's sunny. T:Oh,the weather is fine. Step 2 复习(Review) 走到一名学生面前: T:What's your favourite sport S:I like…best. T:Can you play ping pong S:Yes,I can. T:Oh,you are good. Can you play basketball S:Oh,no,I can't. T:Do you want to learn S:Yes! T:Are you ready to learn to play basketball S:Yes! T:Let's go. Step 3 新课呈现(Presentation) 1.学习basketball。 教师拿出篮球,做出扔球的动作。 T:I want to throw the basketball. Throw the basketball. Throw the basketball. 教师边做动作边重复。 Can you throw the basketball?(教师板书,将单词basketball写在黑板上,并领读) T:Can you catch it Ss:Yes,I can. T:Catch.(教师将篮球扔给一位学生) 2.学习heavy,light。 教师分别拿出一个乒乓球和一个篮球,把它扔给一位学生,学生开始传球。待球传完后,教师收回球。 T:Which one is heavy?Which one is light 教师板书:heavy,light,然后教师一手拿着篮球,一手拿着乒乓球说: T:The basketball is heavy. The ping pong ball is light. 学生读单词:heavy,light。 然后教师可以拿出一根羽毛和铅笔盒问学生哪一个重,哪一个轻。练习单词。 3.学习difficult,easy。 教师课件展示Danny投篮球失败的图片。 T:The basketball is heavy. It's too difficult for me to throw it. 教师板书并领读:difficult。 课件切换到Danny扔乒乓球的动作。 T:Why can Danny throw the ping pong ball 当学生用汉语回答正确时: T:Yes,the ping pong is light. It's easy to throw. 教师板书并领读:easy。 4.学习hand。 T:Can you play ping pong Ss:Yes,we can. 教师可请一位学生上讲台,把讲桌当作乒乓球台与学生进行对打。 T:Ouch!I hit my hand.(教师握着手做出疼痛的动作) 教师板书hand,并领读。 5.听录音两遍,然后看课件,根据课文内容进行活动表演。 Step 4 操练(Practice) 1.将所学单词和课文联系起来,编排对话或描述身边的小事物,教师巡视并辅导。 2.全班交流成果。 请一、两名学生表演,教师给予适当的评价,鼓励学生多开口说英语。 Step 5 巩固和拓展(Consolidation and Extension) 1.学生分组活动,要求根据自己的不同的活动和动作,说出与本节相关的词语或句子。 2.集合学生,面对面站成两排,听老师口令做相应动作:throw,catch,hit。 Unit 1 Sports Lesson 3:Let's Play!   heavy(重的)light(轻的) catch(接住)throw(扔;抛) easy(容易的)difficult(困难的) ... ...

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