
Unit 2 My favourite season Part B Let's try & Let's talk课件+素材(28张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:55次 大小:15023289Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) PEP版英语五年级(下) Unit 2 My favourite season Part B Let's try & Let's talk Free talk Which season do you like best Summer. I can go swimming every day. … Look and guess Look at these pictures. Which season is it spring autumn winter Zhang Peng draws his favourite season in one of these pictures. Can you guess which is Zhang Peng’s Listen and tick Which is Zhang Peng’s picture spring autumn winter Zhang Peng:Look at my picture, John. John:It’s pretty. So you like spring best Zhang Peng:Yes. Spring is beautiful. There are lots of flowers. The trees are green. Let's read 听力原文 Watch and answer Which season does Amy like best Autumn. John: Which season do you like best Amy: Autumn. John: Why Amy: Because the colours are pretty. 因为 Because because conj.(连词) 因为 I have to stay at home because it rains heavily. 我不得不待在家里,因为 雨下得太大了。 Look and answer What can you see in the picture Trees. Whose picture is it It’s Amy’s picture. Do you know Which season does Miss White like best Which season does Amy like best Watch and answer Autumn. Summer. Which season does Miss White like best Which season does Amy like best Amy: Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture. Miss White: Good job! I like the trees. The colours are very pretty! Amy: Yes. I like autumn best. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful! Good job 干得好 Amy: Which season do you like best, Miss White Miss White: Summer. Amy: Why Miss White: Because I like summer vacation! vacation 假期 vacation n.(名词) 假期 I like summer vacation because I can play football in the morning. 我喜欢暑假,因为我可以 在早上踢足球。 I like summer because I like summer vacation. vacation 假期 winter vacation summer vacation 暑假 寒假 because 因为 Listen and fill Name Season Why Amy Miss White autumn summer Because the weather is good and the colours are beautiful. Because she likes summer vacation. Listen again and fill in the blanks Amy: Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture. Miss White: Good job! I like the trees. The colours are very_____ ! Amy: Yes. I like _____ best. The _____ is good and the colours are _____ ! autumn weather beautiful pretty Listen again and fill in the blanks _____ season do you like ___, Miss White Miss White:_____. Amy:_____ Miss White: Because _____! Which Summer Why I like summer vacation best Listen and repeat Amy: Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture. Miss White: Good job! I like the trees. The colours are very pretty! Amy: Yes. I like autumn best. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful! Listen and repeat Which season do you like best, Miss White Miss White: Summer. Amy: Why Miss White: Because I like summer vacation! Language point Why(+一般疑问句)? Because+句子. 问句: 答语: 讲解 Why是用来询问原因的。 常用Because开头的句子来回答。 —Why does your father go to the hospital —Because my grandpa is ill. 例 一般疑问句 —Why do you come here late —Because I get up late. ... ...

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