

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:52次 大小:4717157Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 八年级上册期末复习 重 点 词 汇 单 词 精 讲 appear [ p (r)] v. 出现 【联想法】ap(阿婆)+ 梨子(pear) 乖孙女,阿婆又给你 带来了很多梨子! 每次都是梨子,我要吃苹果~ Your idol (偶像) appeared suddenly. 拓展词 disappear v. 消失 appearance n. 出现; 外貌 dis- 否定前缀 阿婆每次一出现都会拿出很多梨子。 【例1】The snow will soon _____ after the sun shines (appear). disappear allow [ la ] v. 允许 His teacher allowed him to introduce himself. allow sb. to do sth. T: tell D: decide P: promise P: plan Wa: would like; ask Wa: want; allow O: offer 计划、方向、目的 + to do 允许某人做某事 【例2】 His parents don’t allow him _____ so much. A. train B. trains C. training D. to train A B C D 妈,闪电怎么来的? search [s t ] v. 搜索,搜寻,搜查 His mother asked him to search for the information on the Internet. His mother asked him to search the Internet. search search for 后跟搜寻的范围/对象 后跟搜寻具体的目标 拓展词 research v./n. 研究,调查 re- 前缀 “再,重新” restart review 【例3】 If you want to find a new job, you can _____ the Internet for information. A. search B. advise C. depend D. understand C B A D cover [ k v (r)] v. 覆盖 cover… with… 用…盖上… 拓展词 discover v. 发现 n. 封面,封皮 Peng Yuchang covered his sister’s face with his hat. 【联想法】吃 (c) 完了 (over) 薯条,就把盒子盖上。 value [ v lju ] n. 价值 v. 重视 The most important thing is to value our time. The necklace is of great value. 拓展词 valuable adj. 有价值的 be valuable = be of value 【例5】 The book you bought me is really _____ (value). Thanks a lot! valuable harmful [ hɑ mfl] adj. 有害的 Smoking is harmful to your health. be harmful to 对…有害 拓展词 harm n. /v. 伤害;损害 harmless adj. 无害的 do harm to Smoking does harm to your health. careless timeless 拓展词 solution n. 解决办法 solve [s lv] vt. 解决;解答 我太难了 Can you tell me the solution to the problem the solution to… How to solve the math problem I can’t find the key to the car. →the key to Can you tell me the way to learn English well →the way to ……的钥匙;……的关键 通往……的路 ……的解决办法 【例6】 Robert是不可能解决这个问题的。 It is impossible for Robert to _____ _____ _____. solve the problem appear allow search cover value harmful solve 词 汇 辩 析 win VS beat win beat IG _____ the 2018 League of Legends World Championship (2018英雄联盟全球总决赛). won IG _____ FNC (Fnatic战队) in 2018 League of Legends World Championship. beat 后接比赛,荣誉或奖励,不能接人。 后接人,队伍或对手。 provide [pr va d] 【联想法】pro(飘柔)+ vi(六)+ de(德) 飘柔提供给六个德国人! v. 提供 →provide sth. for sb. 蒙古国提供给中国30000只羊。 →provide sb. with sth. Mongolia _____ China _____ 30000 sheep. provided with 提供某人某物 Mongolia provided 30000 sheep _____ China. for provide [pr va d] v. 提供 →offer sth. to sb. 蒙古国提供给中国30000只羊。 →offer sb. sth. 为某人提供某物 Mongolia offered China 30000 sheep. Mongolia offered 30000 sheep _____ China. o ... ...

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