
Module 1 Unit 2 I've got a new friend. 课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:41次 大小:4277760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 外研社新标准英语(一起)四上 Period 1 Module 1 Unit 2 I've got a new friend. Learning Aims 学习目标 1. 能听懂、认读、会说单词、词组:dear,well,of, soon,tell,love. 2. 能运用所学句型I've got/She's got···介绍新朋友, 并能接住照片运用句型Here is a photo of ...We were at...描述和朋友在一起的事情. 3. 鼓励学生尝试用英语书信的格式与朋友进行沟通。 尝试借助照片来描述朋友的特征,能积极与他人 交流,介绍自己的朋友。 Warm-up I’ve got a friend. She’s a girl. She’s got long,black hair. Who is she Hi, I’m Zara. I’ve got a friend. He’s a boy. He’s got short,green hair. Who is he Hi, I’m Huba. I’ve got a friend. He’s a boy. He is one now. He’s got short,black hair. Who is he Hi, I’m Jason. Free talk Talk about your friends. What's his/her name What has he /she got 1.Self-thinking自己思考 2.Pair-share同桌分享 3. Write it down.(课下) Listen and repeat. Try to imitate(模仿). Text 1 Who is the new friend Watch, listen and answer. Let's dub! 一起来配音! pronunciation语音 intonation语调 Watch and answer. Text 2 Text 2 Who is Amy's new friend Mengmeng. What is she like She's got short hair. She's very clever. Let's listen and repeat. 听音,并跟读。 pronunciation语音 intonation语调 Try to retell the text! 复述课文 Show 1. Read in roles. 分角色朗读。 2.Read and act. 情景剧表演 3. On your own ways. 自创展示方式 Pair-work 同桌合作 Let's read together. Can you read now Try to recite the texts.尝试复述课文。 Try to describe one of your friends. 尝试描述你的一个朋友。(模仿课文一) 外研社新标准英语(一起)四上 Period 2 Module 1 Unit 2 I've got a new friend. Read by yourself 自查 Can you read Let's ask and answer! Pair-work同桌互查 Can you read Let's ask and answer! Read and match. Practise Introduce your friends Summary: How to introduce a friend What’s her/his name How old is she/he What is she/he like Where does she/he live What does she/he like … Let's learn a song. Children from China are Chinese China———Chinese England———English America———American Russia———Russian 国家名 国籍 China Chinese England English America American Russia Russian Exercises 1. Where do you live I live in . (English/England) 2. people like fish and chips. (English/England) 3. Children from are . (America/American) 4. Do you like (China/Chinese) England English America American China 小练笔 Dear , I’ve got a new friend. Her/His name is . She/He is years old. She/He lives in . She/He’s got . She/He’s got . She/He likes . Here is a photo of us. We were . Love, ——— Let's write. Try to recite the texts.尝试复述课文。 Try to write about one of your friends. 尝试描述你的一个朋友,并写下来。

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