
译林版(2020)选择性必修一:Unit4 Exploring poetry Welcome to the unit课后专练(含答案)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:25次 大小:45056Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Exploring poetry———Welcome to the unit 一、选择合适的短语完成句子 dig up, set aside, beyond my grasp, be covered with, out of place, stick out, fill up, beyond the words, pay attention to, a combination of 1. As a mother of two, she_____ food for children. 2. His ideas are quite _____. 3. Where did you _____ the new evidence 4. The room was decorated in _____ greens and blues. 5. Don't respond to just the meaning of the words, look for the feelings _____. 6. Every truth _____ dark clouds. 7. Could you _____ these forms, please 8. She tries to _____ some money every month. 9. I felt completely _____ among all these successful people. 10. What had Cutter done to make him _____ from the crowd 二、完成句子 1. 瑜伽是身体和呼吸练习的结合。 Yoga is_____. 2. 目前咱们就不要顾及我的个人感情了。 Let's_____ for now. 3. 他们用红色大字写通知, 这样会显眼一些。 They wrote the notice in big red letters_____. 4. 我们不应该终日忙忙碌碌, 过得毫无意义。 We _____ with meaningless tasks. 5. 我不能帮助他, 是因为我鞭长莫及。 I cannot help him because_____. 三、完形填空 The Source of Power Most of my life I had lived in a Black and Latino community. Neither of my parents had graduated from middle school and I was the first in my family to ever enter a college campus. By contrast, most of my __1__ came from generations of well educated family and had grown up in __2__, white suburbs. __3__ sharing with others how I was feeling, I closed myself and thought I could get through it if I just __4__ study. During the weeks before the winter break, I finally decided I would drop out. __5__, that wasn't the end of the story. I found __6__ and guidance to continue through to finish my college. Consulting provided me a space to __7__ my emotions. My consultant provided me with books and other __8__ to understand what I was experiencing and she helped me feel powerful. Volunteering with a campus organization provided me a constant __9__ for why I was in college. My interactions with students, who reminded me so much of my own friends at home, inspired me to work for __10__ to higher education for low income youth. I also got __11__ in a summer urban program, where I cooperated with a group of student leaders to start a conference to talk about __12__ of race and class. __13__ is power. I read books and intentionally chose courses to learn more about topics __14__ to immigration, race, social class and urban education. These courses and books helped me __15__ a much deeper understanding of my own racial experiences of oppression(压迫). Most importantly, I was empowered with the knowledge I needed to work against injustice and inequality. 1. A. teachers B. classmates C. colleagues D. neighbors 2. A. complex B. greedy C. rich D. enthusiastic 3. A. Instead of B. Other than C. Ahead of D. Apart from 4. A. left out B. focused on C. put forward D. made up 5. A. Unusually B. Positively C. Instantly D. Fortunately 6. A. curiosity B. pain C. strength D. material 7. A. process B ... ...

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