
Unit 6 Shopping 精品教学示范课 (视频实录+配套课件与素材)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学视频 查看:13次 大小:176896185Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 6 shopping The Second Period Language focus: May I have _____ please It’s _____ yuan. Sorry, I have no _____ Teaching procession I.warming up Sing a song <> Read the words Hot dog , pizza , cake , Coke , ice cream . II.Revision 1). I show you see who can see (group work) Show the pictures and price. Let them review the sentences patterns in this way: There is_____. It’s _____ yuan. 2). Ican guess Ask ss to guess the words from the picture. 3).I can spell Group leader ask the members to spell the words. III.Presentation 1).learn part B First time : wactch koko love English. Secong time : listen and point Third time : listen and read. 2).PK reading Read Part B in your group . 3).Let’s match. Match the picture and the correct words. 4). Practise the sentences May I have --, please Yes ,here you are . -- yuan ,please. Ⅲ.Game Prompt a pupil to ask for something and hide the objects. Let pupil ask for fruit they want in this way: May I have _____ please If he/she has, say: here you are. If no, encourage him/her to say: sorry, I have no_____. Ⅳ.Practise Listen to the tape, read after, and finish the dialogue. Ⅴ.More to do Put their fruit, food, or the other things that have prepared on the desk. They go and buy something they want with price, e.g. P1: May I have _____, please P2: Yes, 10 yuan, please. P1: Here you are. P2: Thank you. Homework Copybook exercises 教学反思[Feedback]:课堂教学设计游戏则要因势利导。我设计了“shopping”的场景,每个小组请一个小朋友做售货员,大家当顾客,到商店买东西。这一游戏的规则是,必须用英语对话才能购物。这一场景,真实地再现了孩子们的生活,孩子们喜形于色,迫不及待地加入游戏行列,望着商店里想买的东西,七嘴八舌地用课本中的购物英语表达,快乐之情溢于言表。在游戏中学习,学生学而不厌,得到了事半功倍的效果。 本课的形式是让学生讨论所熟悉的事情(比如,饮食结构的变化)。学生在讨论时有话可说,并很好地运用了所学语言。另外,活动的设计还应注意层次性,即应由易到难,让学生逐步适应。   还有不能忽视语言形式的补充和操练,学生只有掌握了一定的语言形式才能在具体在活动过程中,教师应对学生加以引导,包括提供简单的范例,帮助学生完的情景中加以运用。本课的形式是让学生讨论所熟悉的事情(比如,饮食结构的变化)。学生在讨论时有话可说,并很好地运用了所学语言。另外,活动的设计还应注意层次性,即应由易到难,让学生逐步适应。   还有不能忽视语言形式的补充和操练,学生只有掌握了一定的语言形式才能在具体在活动过程中,教师应对学生加以引导,包括提供简单的范例,帮助学生完的情景中加以运用。(课件网) Unit 6 Part A&B Shopping cake Coke hot dog pizza ice cream There is … . a Coke a hot dog an ice cream a pizza a cake Task 1 I can spell ! Who can say What’s this How do you spell …… Task 2 I can guess ! 12 There is a pizza. It’s twelve yuan. . There is a banana 2 It’s two yuan. 3 There is an orange. It’s three yuan . There is a robot. 7 It’s seven yuan. There is a\an _____. How much is it It’s _____ yuan. Task 3 I can read ! PK reading 1.There’s a cake. 2.Ten yuan, please. 3.May I have ... ...

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