
外研版(一起)小学英语三年级下册Module 7 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:56次 大小:41528Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module7练习(试题)2020-2021学年英语三年级下册-外研版(一起)(含答案) 一、选择题 1.选出不同类的单词( ) A. seven B. frog C. six 2.选出不同类的单词( ) A. tree B. high C. low 3.选出不同类的单词( ) A. zoo B. school C. parrot 4.选出不同类的单词( ) A. UK B. Hong Kong C. Sunday 5.选出不同类的单词( ) A. friend B. boy C. class 6.选出不同类的单词( ) A. tiger B. elephant C. girl 7.选出不同类的单词( ) A. pen B. book C. green 8.选出不同类的单词( ) A. kite B. blue C. red 9.选出不同类的单词( ) A. are B. the C. is 10.选出不同类的单词( ) A. see B. eat C. dog 二、单词拼写 11.Let's draw a cat on the _____ (电脑). 12.Are there many children in your _____ (班级) 13.There are _____ (大约) twenty children. 14.Here are his _____ (胳膊). 三、匹配题 15.找出正确译文。 ⑴on Saturday_____ A. 当然了! ⑵on the desk_____ B. 在周六 ⑶Of course! _____ C. 在桌子上 ⑷forty-one bridges_____ D. 恐怕 ⑸in the box_____ E. 在盒子里 ⑹in the UK_____ F. 第四张图片 ⑺in Class Three_____ G. 41座桥 ⑻draw a monster_____ H. 在三班 ⑼in Picture 4_____ I. 画一个怪物 ⑽I'm afraid. _____ J. 在英国 四、情景交际 16.根据问句选择答语。 ⑴What's that _____ A. No, I won't. ⑵Will you go to Shandong this week _____ B. It's green. ⑶What colour is this monkey _____ C. It's a monster. ⑷Are you going to the zoo next week _____ D. Yes, I am. ⑸Can I ask you a question _____ E. Yes, you can. ⑹Are there many children in your class _____ F. No, he hasn't. ⑺Has he got a computer for birthday party _____ G. There are ten pens. ⑻How many pens are there in the box _____ H. He will pick fruit. ⑼Is he flying a kite now _____ I. Yes, he is. ⑽What will Jim do on Thursday _____ J. Yes, there are. 五、阅读理解 17.阅读短文,选择正确的选项。 Hi, I am Feifei. I have got two good friends. One is Tingting, the other is Dingding. Tingting is a girl. She is very nice, she always helps me. But she is a bit quiet. Dingding is a boy, he is very clever, he can make birthday cards. But he is a bit naughty, he always plays in class. At the weekend, we often go swimming together. (1)Feifei has got _____ good friends. ( ) A.one B.two C.three (2)Tingting is a nice _____. ( ) A.boy B.man C.girl (3)Tingting is a bit _____. ( ) A.shy B.quiet C.naughty (4)_____ always plays in class. ( ) A.Feifei B.Tingting C.Dinngding (5)They'll go _____ at the weekend.( ) A.swimming B.skating C.shopping 答案 一、选择题 1.【答案】 B 2.【答案】 A 3.【答案】 C 4.【答案】 C 5.【答案】 C 6.【答案】 C 7.【答案】 C 8.【答案】 A 9.【答案】 B 10.【答案】 C 二、单词拼写 11.【答案】 computer 12.【答案】 class 13.【答案】 about 14.【答案】 arms 三、匹配题 15.【答案】 B;C;A;G;E;J;H;I;F;D 四、情景交际 16.【答案】 C;A;B;D;E;I;F;G;I;H 五、阅读理解 17.【答案】 (1)B (2)C (3)B (4)C (5)A ... ...

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