

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:55次 大小:20378Byte 来源:二一课件通
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综合练习:微写作 1.请根据所给情节,尝试续写一个等待和老友重逢及终于等到老友的情节。侧重人物高兴和激动的情感细节描写。(词数80左右) She stood by the window, joyfully and patiently watching. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2.请根据所给情节,尝试续写人物惊讶的情节。利用动作、神态和语言描写等表现人物的惊讶。(词数80左右) John had always told him that outside the window, there was an amazing park. Mike struggled to walk to the window. Surprisingly, it faced a blank wall. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 请根据所给情节,尝试续写人物的情节。侧重肢体动作和神态描写。(词数80左右) He didn't get an A in the exam as expected. He shook his head and looked upset. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 请根据所给情节,尝试续写Jenny 摔在地上后的情感。利用动作,神态和语言描写表现人物的尴尬,羞愧,失望,绝望等。(词数80左右) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 请根据所给情节,尝试续写一个父亲发怒的情节。利用动作神态和语言描写表现人物的愤怒。描写中可适当添加对“我”的紧张害怕的描写。(词数80左右) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 请根据所给情节,尝试续写一个王华考试失利之后难过的片段。通过动作、神态和氛围描写等表现人物的难过。描写中可适当添加对情感的描写。(80词) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 综合练习:微作文 1.请根据所给情节,尝试续写一个等待和老友重逢及终于等到老友的情节。侧重人物高兴和激动的情感细节描写。(词数80左右) She stood by the window, joyfully and patiently watching. Golden sunlight danced in her long hair and the children's laughter floated in the air. She stared at the end of the road, hoping her close friend would come earlier. It seemed as if she had been standing there for a century. Suddenly a wave of happiness and excitement seized/ took hold of/swept over/came over her when she caught sight of a familiar figure. Her heart leaped with joy, and a shining smile lit up her face. She ran to her friend and threw herself into her friend's arms. Tears of joy/happiness/excitement welled up in their eyes as they hugged tightly together. 她站在窗边,快乐而耐心地看着。金色的阳光在她的长发上舞动,孩子们的笑声在空气中飘荡。她盯着路的尽头,希望她的好朋友能早点来。似乎她已经站在那里一个世纪了。当她看见一个熟悉的身影时,一种幸福和兴奋的情绪突然袭上她的心头。她的心高兴得跳了起来,一个灿烂的笑容照亮了她的脸。她跑向她的朋友,投入她朋友的怀抱。当他们紧紧地拥抱在一起时,喜悦/幸福/激动的泪水涌上了他们的眼眶。 2.请根据所给情节,尝试续写人物惊讶的情节。利用动作、神态和语言描写等表现人物的惊讶。(词数80左右) John had always told him that outside the window, there was an amazing park. Mike struggled to walk to the window. Surprisingly, it faced a blank wall. Mike received a severe shock, as if by a blow on the head from a well-directed mallet(球棒). He rubbed his eyes hard, stared. His mouth dropped/hung open in surprise. He froze there for a while, wide-eyed, as if rooted to the ground. He was speechless with shock when he thought of the beautiful scene John had described to him every day. Confused and astonished, he gaped at the wall. “Why is it a wall ” he murmured. Shaking his head ... ...

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