
北师大版英语八年级下册Unit 6 Detectives Lesson 16 A Detective Story (I)基础+提升(含答案及部分解析)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:77次 大小:55904Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    北师大版八下英语 Unit 6 Lesson 16 A Detective Story(I) 基础 一、单项选择(共10小题;共26分) 1. Nowadays it is convenient for us _____ many things online. A.buy B.bought C.buying D.to buy 2. —Why not go out for dinner My treat this time. —_____. But I'm busy preparing for an interview. A.Not at all B.In your dreams C.Sounds great D.Don't mention 3. 从下面小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的选项。 —Don't always fix your eyes on the screen, Ted. It's bad for your eyes. —Oh, I know. A.stare at B.look after C.think about 4. Before you ask someone for help, find out _____ he is the right person for your problem. A.since B.that C.whether D.unless 5. Miss Guo asks the children _____ the parents in different places. A.meeting B.to meet C.met D.meet 6. —Your English teacher is very humorous. (选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项) —Exactly. She is very popular with us. A.friendly B.outgoing C.funny 7. 读音选词。 My brother plays soccer at _____ [li:st] twice a week. A.less B.least C.last D.lose 8. Premier Zhou Enlai _____ for many years, but he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people. A.died B.was died C.has been died D.has been dead 9. You should _____ your shoes before you enter the dancing room. A.get off B.put off C.take off D.fall off 10. —Could you tell me _____ —The movie Fast and Furious (激情) 8. A.where you saw the movie B.which movie you like best C.where did you see the movie D.which movie do you like best 二、句子填空(共15小题;共30分) 11. Tom did _____ because he made no mistakes in his class. (good) 12. _____ (最近) the old man feels much better. 13. The _____ (死亡) of my dog made me sad. 14. Some resolutions we make are about p_____ health and some are about self-improvement. 15. I know _____ (exact) when she left. 16. Many comic lovers felt sad about the _____ (die) of Stan Lee who created a list of superheroes, including Spider-Man. 17. At school we can't eat in the classroom, but we can eat in the dining h_____. 18. 根据音标写出单词 There is no _____ /da t/ at all that we did the right thing. 19. There are many training classes out there, so choose w_____ and carefully. 20. Don't make up a story. I have already known the t_____ about it. 21. 根据音标完成句子。 Nothing is _____ / m p s bl/ if you work hard. 22. Choose the proper words in brackets to complete the sentences. She asked _____ there would be a clown show in City Park this evening. (where/ if) 23. Use your money _____ (wise), or you'll be in great trouble. 24. The old man has been _____ (die) for three years. 25. We should treasure our own _____ art and culture, such as shadow play and paper cutting. (value) 答案 第一部分 1 . D 2 . C 3 . A 【解析】 ———不要一直盯着屏幕看,Ted。这样对你的眼睛不好。 ———哦,我知道。 A 盯着……看,B 照顾,关心 C 考虑。根据给出的 fix your eyes on the screen 字面理解为把你的眼睛固定在屏幕上,根据上下文句意,BC 意思不符合,而 fix…on 把……固定在某处与 stare…at 盯着……为同义词。 4 . C 【解析】 此题考查的是连词辨析。句意: ... ...

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