
人教版(新课程标准)必修1 Unit 1 Friendship读写课名师课件(19张ppt)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:2398208Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Using language Reading and Writing Warming up and Leading-in Your parents Your teachers Your classmates Reading Who is Xiao Dong What's his problem Why did he write this letter to Miss Wang Reading Writing Writing Para1:Beginning (开头部分) Para2:Main body(主体部分) Para3:Ending(结尾部分) Writing Writing e.g.You should be friendly to others and often help them. You will show them that you are easy to get along with. You should ask people their likes and dislikes. You will find classmates with the same interests. You must join in discussions and show interest in other people's ideas. You will get to know different people and let them know more about you. 1.句型太单一! 2.缺乏层次感! 3.误用must! 课堂探究 What kind of sentences are better ways to give advice Why not do something 为什么不这样做呢? You should do something 你应该... It would be a good idea if you do something. 如果你做...这将是个好主意。 If I were you, I would do something. 如果我是你的话,我将做... I suggest that you should do something. 我建议你应该做... I think it is necessary to do something. 我认为做什么事很有必要。 First,....Secondly,...Thirdly,... To begin with,.....(首先) Besides,.../What's more,..../In addition(除此以外) Finally,.../Last but not least,...(最后) By doing this, you will... That way,.... If you do this,.... e.g. I hope you will find my advice useful. And I hope you can make more good friends in the near future. Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing (安徽高考英语作文) 为了帮助中学生健康成长,某中学英文报开展了“HEART-TO-HEART”专栏。假设你是该栏目的编辑Jamie,收到一封署名为Worried的求助信。信中该同学向你诉说了自己的困扰:近日容易发脾气,使正常的学习和生活收到了影响。请用英文给该同学写一封回信。 内容要点如下: 1.表示理解并给与安慰 2.提出建议并说明理由 参考词汇:temper n.脾气 (2008年山东高考英语作文) 假如你是新华中学的学生李华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入新的班级,感到很苦恼。请根据下面要点给他写封信。 1.帮他分析原因 2.给他提出建议 (2009年陕西高考英语作文) 假如你是李华。在一个英文网络论坛上,你看见一个名叫Grown-up 的中学生发帖寻求帮助。请根据帖子的内容,写作要点和要求回帖。 Hi, everyone, I'm 17 years old and I am going to university this autumn. But my mother continues to treat me as a seven-year-old. What should I do 1.告诉他要理解母亲。 2.给他提出解决问题的具体建议。 The importance of the letter for advice 建议信的重要性 【自我评估】 1.Have you learned some new words and expressions 2.Do you know how to organize a letter for advice 3.Are you active enough in class 4.Do you like cooperating(合作) with others Homework 1.巩固建议信的相关知识 2.写作训练: 假如你是李华,你的好友Tom来信说他不适应高一英语老师的课,在学习英语方面有很大的困难,以至于跟不上其他同学,因此感到非常着急,甚至想放弃英语。请你给Tom写一封信,想办法帮助他解决这方面的困难。词数120左右。 A life without a friend is a life without a sun. ... ...

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